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"Failed to start DBG session" in external browser

Joined: 14 Dec 2004
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For some days now I get a "Failed to start DBG session" error page when I try to open a local Apache website in my Chrome browser while PhpEd (build 8030) is not active. As soon as I start PhpEd everything is back to normal.
Yes, this Apache website is defined as a project im PhpEd too, but in the past I never had an issue with PhpEd projects when PhpEd was not running - they just worked flawlessly without PhpEd and the IDE only kicked in when it was started.
I need my local development websites to run without constantly having PhpEd open. How can I do that?

Regards, Jörg.
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Check cookies. Perhaps, Chrome somehow preserved DBGSESSID dispate the fact that it is temporary.
BTW, what was written in the error? Where did it find DBGSESSID? In cookie?

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Joined: 14 Dec 2004
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I have purged cookies but the problem persists.

The Debug msg. in the browser window states:

DBG 4.6.3

Failed to start DBG session

Reason: failed to connect to the client at, please make sure that IDE is running
Not sure what it means? Visit for troubleshooting.

Debugger request:   "412115926759000003;d=1,p=0,c=1"
Request found in:   "$_COOKIE['DBGSESSID']"
Target PHP version: "5.3.x"
Server API:         "Apache 2.0 Handler"
Extensions API:     "220090626"
Modules API:        "20090626"
PHP API:            "20090626"

Here is how to reproduce the problem:

– Create PhpED project using a vHost on a local WAMP installation.
– In PhpED select: Tools-->Default Browser-->Google Chrome
– Run project in Debugger (F9). Chrome window opens.
– Terminate PhpED and close the Chrome debugging window.
– Try to open the URL of the vHost in a new Chrome window. This either leads to the above error message or to an unwanted start of PhpED.
– If you select another default browser in PhpED, the problem does NOT go away. So the vHost is not usable from within Chrome anymore (only if PhpED is running in background).
– Workaround to get Chrome working again: Run project in PhpED without debugger (Ctrl+F9). Then close PhpED.

It looks like PhpED leaves some breakpoints within the PHP code after a Debugging session, even if PhpED is terminated.
Only by running once without debugger (Ctrl+F9) this breakpoint info can be purged. I should also be purged whenever PhpED is terminated!

Without knowing the Ctrl-F9 workaround the vHost becomes completely unusable outside of PhpED.
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Do you close ALL the Chrome windows? If any of them are left open or Chrome is still resident in memory, the cookie may still be there.

I'm unconvinced it is a PhpED issue, because I can't see how DBG could pickup a non-existant cookie and it certainly seems to getting a cookie. Maybe use the Chrome developer tools to review the headers and see if a cookie is being sent by Chrome.
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Request found in: "$_COOKIE['DBGSESSID']"

means that DBGSESSID was found in the cookie.

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"Failed to start DBG session" in external browser
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