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Failed to connect to the client address

Joined: 15 Aug 2004
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I've read all the relevant postings on this topic, including the FAQs commonly given in replies, but I still can't get DBG to work with SSH.

I've got the 2.16.7 "so" on my Linux 7.3 server and the PhpEd DBGListener says 2.16.7, and I've set Tools->Settings, Debugger Tab to: localhost

My php.ini file has:
debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16

My ssh client is PuTTY and here I have deviated a bit from the documentation. I did not give the command
ssh -R 7869:localhost:7869 myname@myhost

Instead, I am using port forwarding. My server and client are both behind a NAT device, and I have forwarded local 7869 to my server at This is exactly the same way I forward port 3306 to use a client to manage my MySQL database, so I hope this is OK.

At this point, netstat -na on the server shows neither 7869 nor 10000. Prior to starting PhpED, netstat -na on the client also makes no mention of either 7869 or 10000, however, once I start up PhpED, I get this on the client:

Now, when I give the server command:
telnet localhost 7869

I get: "Connection Refused". I guess this doesn't surprise me, since the netstat didn't show a listener on the port.

When I look at dbglistener's setup, I see that the bind address is, which is correct for my client, but the port listed is 10000. This surprised me, so I clicked "reset" and it changed to 7869. However, no matter what I do, trying to start a debug session always results in:

failed to connect to the client address
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Instead, I am using port forwarding. My server and client are both behind a NAT device, and I have forwarded local 7869 to my server at This is exactly the same way I forward port 3306 to use a client to manage my MySQL database, so I hope this is OK.

No, it is not OK and won't work this way. There is a big difference with the way mysql works. Latter thing OPENS listening socket and you can get it passed through your NAT this way. Regarding DBG is does NOT open listening socket, instead it connects to the dbglistener (the client) that opens this socket on the specified port.
Next problem is that from the message it is clear that port #10000 was used instead of 7869. Check the IDE settings.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2004
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I had already verified that the Debugger tab in PhpED has "Auto Select Port" checked, and the value is 7869. Yet it still seemed to use 10000.

Meanwhile, by reading your response I realized that I had to forward my REMOTE port 7869 to my LOCAL 7869, not the other way around like I do for MySQL. I changed only that and IT WORKS! In particular, the DBG setup dialog now shows 7869.

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Failed to connect to the client address
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