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Explorer, UI, code completion & others

Joined: 14 Aug 2003
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I have been evaluating PHPEd 3.2.1 (Build 3235) for a couple of weeks (seeking an alternative to Dreamweaver MX) and I have mixed feelings about it.
I am getting used to it and i am in love with it's speed Smile (After DW everything looks awesomely fast, if not instantaneous Wink )
But there's some things that I miss or that could easily improve your product...

Here's a list of things that might prove useful (At least for me... Very Happy)

* Autocomplete of HTML Tags inside php code AND php code inside HTML Tags.
* Option to preview a particular file in browser.
* PHPEd (trial) package WITHOUT PHP for those who already have it installed.
* PHPDebug compatibility with Zend Optimizer or should be able to use two different php.ini files with same php.exe
* Option for Replace Window to open last selected tab, either Replace or Replace Files.
* Posibility to add notes for the project or files within the project (And maybe a notes panel?)
* Copy/Move commands in Explorer/Workspace (Currently I use the "Save As..." command)
* More Windows Explorer-like behaviour in Explorer: Drag and drop files within the same disk equals move, CTRL+Drag&Drop of files within the same drive = Copy (And change the icon when copying a file to show a "+" (plus) sign on it.
* More TAGS in HTML autocomplete (i.e ALIGN and VALIGN for a TD tag)

If there's any clarification needed, just ask...

Now I'll head to the Bugs forum....


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Thanks for your suggestions.

* Option to preview a particular file in browser

Mostly, it meaningless. How do you think to show them ? By running ?
But you can run immediately by pressing Ctrl-F9.
W/o running it's a kind of obsfucation.
PHPEd (trial) package WITHOUT PHP for those who already have it installed

preinstalled php has more advantages than disadvantages.
I remember that time when we didn't ship php with phped and people experienced much more problems than now. Also, take into account that the shipped php can not affect anything on your system and it works quite independently. Don't forget that phped requires some certain settings to be, for example include_dir and nusoap library to be included there. Otherwise both NuSoap wizard and Nusoap client won't work.
I think that nobody would appreciate such changes in their php settings during phped install. Don't forget about debugger itself. It also requires some changes in configuration.
PHPDebug compatibility with Zend Optimizer or should be able to use two different php.ini files with same php.exe

Ask Zend to remove their part of code that disallows other 3rd party zend extensions to be loaded.
* Copy/Move commands in Explorer/Workspace (Currently I use the "Save As..." command)

Please clarify a bit.
* More TAGS in HTML autocomplete (i.e ALIGN and VALIGN for a TD tag)

You can update phped.rel file. See td= line.
Later appropriate user-friendly interface will be added.

All the rest stuff will be implemented/fixed. Can't talk about particular time frame. May be for the next version.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2003
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Mostly, it meaningless. How do you think to show them ? By running ?
But you can run immediately by pressing Ctrl-F9.
W/o running it's a kind of obsfucation.

Well, Yes.. to clarify the topic:
I have PHPEd configured with global setting 'Run In External Browser' turned off, so EVERY script runs in the PHPEd internal browser.
The other choice is to turn that Setting ON so ALL the scripts run in the External Browser.

I'd like to be able to run some scripts in the Internal Browser and others in the External one, i.e I can test if the script runs properly with the internal browser and then test it in the external to see how it looks, without having to change a setting every time!

(For me, the Internal Browser area is about half what i get with a normal browser window).
An addition to it would be the chance to select alternate browsers to run the scripts on)


preinstalled php has more advantages than disadvantages.
I remember that time when we didn't ship php with phped and people experienced much more problems than now.[...]

Ok, sure.. but what about both alternatives?
a Download WITH PHP and a Download WITHOUT PHP with proper documentation for the installation procedure with all the needed warnings?

That would cover all potential users...
And prevent some users (like me) from downloading something they don't need (And -maybe- saving a few bucks in bandwith to you Wink ).


Ask Zend to remove their part of code that disallows other 3rd party zend extensions to be loaded

Will do.


* Copy/Move commands in Explorer/Workspace (Currently I use the "Save As..." command)

Please clarify a bit

Sorry, my notes got messed up and i didn't notice Smile
That was covered with my "More Windows Explorer-like behaviour" request, and i should have deleted it Smile

Thanks for the quick response!


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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Agreed. Except bundled php Smile
It's actually 5MB in the archive (20%). It wouldn't improve much your internet traffic.
Also, don't forget we distribute our own compilation of php. It differs from provided by for example by supporting ftps & https streams.
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Explorer, UI, code completion & others
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