I really love the way PhpED parse the project and headlines any errors it finds, many a time has it helped me quickly identify a problem. There is a BUT though, for example:-
On some sites a make use of a CMS system called Perch, it's great as it allows me to easily add CMS features to an existing static site. However Perch uses custom tags in templates such as:-
<ul class="gallery">
<li class="active"><img src="<perch:content id="image1" type="image" label="Image 1" width="400" height="301" />" alt="Image 1 of Project" title="<perch:content id="caption1" type="text" label="Image 1 Caption" />" /></li>
<li><img src="<perch:content id="image2" type="image" label="Image 2" width="400" height="301" />" alt="Image 2 of Project" title="<perch:content id="caption2" type="text" label="Image 2 Caption" />" /></li>
All the <perch:content xxxxxxxxxxxxxx /> tags show an error.
So is there any way of excluding these and similar errors that show up but which aren't in fact strictly errors?