Well I may be a bit different from other developers out there.
I am brought up the old fashioned way (if such a thing exists)
Worked with many different compiled languages (Assembler, Pascal, C, C++) Then moved to mainframe development in Cobol, Natural, Returned to Java, and have been developing in X++ for Microsoft Dynamics Ax for years now.
Two years ago I started to work with PHP, but since I have been used to develop with a proper IDE it was hard to get started.
So I may not be the typical web developer.
I develop only in PHP5, in a OOP fashion. The last 8 years I have only developed object oriented, and because of that I do not use any PHP4, like mysqli etc. but use the latest PDO and other OOP featuers in PHP5. (Not all features are well documented by the PHP group but I believe they will be)
All my debugging is done using the build in debugger, so I use a mixture of the SRV and Apache installed on my development PC.
I don't use IIS at all, for PHP, although I know that the new version IIS v7 coming up will have improved PHP support, but I suspect that it will focus more on .NET knowing Microsoft and have been developing Microsoft products for years.
I create a project on disk, in the Apache / Htdocs directory, each Project is also a workspace.
I would like to use subversion, but I don't have time to setup a subversion server for my development, so until it is fully supported in PHPed, and a easier setup for subversion on windows exists, I have to rely on backups.
I rely heavily on the code completion features of PHPed, it is THE most important feature, as well as the great great debugger. Being used to Microsoft and Borland debuggers, it is a must to have a great debugger, and no one beats the PHPed debugger when it comes to debugging PHP.
I dont do code profiling yet. My main product right now is a framework for a mixture of CMS systems.
I bought the Nucoder when it was first announced a year ago. I had been looking on the Ioncube product, since it looks to be the de facto brand for encoded PHP.
But because of my old fashioned way of developing, I decided to go for NuCoder, although it does not have support for a build in licensing system at the moment but with Nucoder I will be able to encode my work from the editor, so I do not have to go to the command line and execute scripts manually.
I would love to be able to select which files in the project that should be encrypted, and this is why I have high hopes for a future version of Nucoder.
I dont know what else is interesting.