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Joined: 12 Jul 2006
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The software is really great, but I have one question :

I see that we can choose in tools -> settings the default encoding system.
But if we try to open a file in an other encoding (like UTF-8 for example), the software shows a warning message and wants to convert every "bad caracters" by "?".

Is'nt it possible (like in Ultraedit for example) that the sofware auto-detect the encoding and display the file in the correct encoding ???

Because, for now, I have to go in tools-> settings and change the default encoding systems each time I work on a different project/file.

Thank you in advance,

PS. A great feature should be to be able to convert an entire project into a particular encoding type (with auto-detection of the actual encoding and conversion to the desired encoding)
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File->Open dialog also has a combo with encoding that can be selected accordingly when you open particular files. After that IDE will remmeber your choise.

Also, I'd note that PhpED can auto-recognize encoding of html files by their meta tag where charset is specified, similarly it recongnizes encoding of XML files, finally it auto-recognizes all Unicode files if BOM is used. I think it's sufficient, isn't it? At least, I bet it's really hard to distinguish Win1250 from Win1251 and Win1251 from KOI-8r and so forth without knowning particular words in appropriate languages.
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Joined: 12 Jul 2006
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Yes it's cool, but when we use a Workspace with different projects, and those projects have a lot of php scripts (without any meta tag) there is a problem :

- I don't use File -> Open but I double click on the file in the project's tab, and if the encoding is not correct, I have the error message, so I'm forced to modify the default encoding and double click again.

It should be maybe great to have at least a default encoding type by projects.

Don't you think ?

And if the software can tell us that is not the correct encoding type, why can't it propose us to open it in the correct encoding type in place of destroying the contents with "?" ???

I hope these requests can be in a new release soon Smile
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