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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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Location: Burbank, CA USA
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I am evaluating PhpED ver3.3 (Build 3332eval).

I was able to set up the PhpED UI to my liking, closely matching HomeSite, which I am quite familiar with.

I got all of the 'Tabs' docked into a pallet on the left side of the screen and that was great.

Then I double clicked the title bar for the DB Client tab which maximized it as expected.

Now the problem is that I can't get the DB Client tab to dock into the tab pallet again. I have tried the following:

- Restore the DB Client tab from the right click menu for that tab
- Both modes of the 'Full Screen' feature
- Expanding the tab pallet so it is bigger (and smaller) than the DB Client
- Positioning various other tabs as current in the tab pallet
- Closing and reopening PhpED
- Rebooting my computer

I am also unable to dock the DB Client tab in any other location around the screen.

Any ideas would be most appreciated.

Best regards,

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I'd highly appreciate if you show what you did in 2-4 screeenshots and submit them there.

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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
Posts: 9
Location: Burbank, CA USA
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Well, in setting up for the screen shots, I found and "fixed" the "problem". It was a user error (blush).

This screen shot shows the problem. All tool tabs docked except the DB Client, which should not float over the others, it should dock when in this position.

This is how it should be, all tool tabs are docked into the pallet at the left side of the screen.

Finally, here is the same screen in "Full Screen" mode.


The "problem" was that I had turned on View/Freeze Docked Windows, which is supposed to prevent docked windows from being un-docked. "Freeze Docked Windows" does indeed prevent the docked windows from being undocked by dragging with the mouse. HOWEVER, if the title bar of a docked window is double clicked, that will maximize it, as expected. What I did not expect, is that it also undocks the window in the process, makes sense.

But now the undocked window can not be re-docked because "Freeze Docked Windows" is enabled... This had me quite confused for a while Wink But it's ok now, just turn off View/Freeze Docked Windows!

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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But now the undocked window can not be re-docked because "Freeze Docked Windows" is enabled...

While in that state they are not actually frozen Smile
You can press Ctrl key and have docking effectively turned on.
And vice versa, if you have Freeze Docked Windows off and keep Ctrl pressed, it tuns docking off.
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