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Directory Scanning (Samba) takes forever

Joined: 01 Aug 2007
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I've pointed my document root to my mounted Samba Drive, which is connected to my V-Server at my webhosting provider.

PhpEd scans every file at the program start (for changes?). In my project are several thousand files and it takes forever, minimum 5 minutes for scanning! It seems to hang up and gets back to life after those 5 minutes.

The hiding files seems not to do any improvement.

Is there a way to prevent the startup scanning process?

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This problem happens only with some old Samba on some Linux platforms and rarely happens (if happens at all) on Windows shares. Guess why?
As possible solutions:
a) improve the network performance
b) install newer Samba compiled with -O2 cflags.
c) check your local and Samba's host firewalls
d) check netbios name resolution service (better to specify your IP address with netbios name on the Samba's host to have your address resolved faster)

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Joined: 01 Aug 2007
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ok, to
a) the network performance is fine, although when interacting with the server on samba, it only uses about 30 Kb/s
b) My version is Version 3.0.22-13.30-1290-SUSE-CODE10, pretty up to date. How can I find out, if it is compiled with -O2 cflags?
c) all ports checked. firewall is configured properly to allow samba communication on bith sides and ports beeing forwarded
d) I only use IPs, no domain names anywhere...therefore I don't know which configuration to set in netbois for samba

But it's defenitely not, because of my large project, scanning every file taking too long?

EDIT: just checked my samba connection and found out, if I transfer large files it uses my whole bandwidth, goes as fast as I can go, but the directory listing, the browsing in the samba filesystem from my client machines takes forever! Does this help to determine the problem?

ANOTHER EDIT: I just set preserve case = no in my server's smb.conf (the flag case sensitive would work, too). I can now browse through my directories very fast, even big directories build up in parts of a second. But unfortunatelly, PhpED still has the same problem. No speed improvement. Sad Startup scanning takes 5 minutes minimum!
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although when interacting with the server on samba, it only uses about 30 Kb/s


But it's defenitely not, because of my large project, scanning every file taking too long?

If not disabled, Samba performs checks for the client name when it runs any file operation.
It may also perform checks for permission against domain and some other things that slow down all operations.
Such things require ~ constant time and therefore they mostly affect short operations while for example copying long files is affected much less.

BTW, do you run samba directly or over an SSH tunnel?

I just set preserve case = no in my server's smb.conf (the flag case sensitive would work, too). I can now browse through my directories very fast, even big directories build up in parts of a second

Even if you can browse one directory fast, PhpED needs to build up proect tree and therefore it needs to scan +all+ the directories inside the project except directories you selected in HIDE DIRECTORIES setting. PhpED does not go byound FindFirst-FindNext loop and if it takes long time, the only thing resposible for the poor performance is your server's service, server's firewall, network and client's firewall, in other words all thngs between files and PhpED. If you try to run it agains local directory tree, you'll notice it runs pretty fast.

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Directory Scanning (Samba) takes forever
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