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Deploying dock with licence file.

Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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I've been tinkering with PhpDock for the last few days, and it seems that I have to ship my app with my license file. I read up on here and found it mentioned in another post, and thought I should just drop a line or two here.

You have a new version coming out, and I think that this issue should be addressed. Not for any benefit of mine, but more for NuSphere's. I mean, I buy the dock, make an app, and then put a trial version out there for people to use.

Among them is a user who, being a developer themselves, is interested to see how I deployed this app. They tinker for a bit and find that they can drop their own files into the web folder and have them display. They can then write and deploy their own applications with my license file.

The end result is that developers who might have bought this app, might just wind up re-deploying someone else's.

Argument could be made that someone would see it and figure it out then tell me, and then I could tell you, and then you could chase down the infringing copies ... the hassle goes on and on.

I understand a license file needs to be deployed with the dock, otherwise the same situation exists, but might it not be better to say, make a simple license generator tool that the deployer can use to generate an end-user license? The tool could take a seeded CRC or similar of the page at the initialUrl setting and be used as a seed for the new license.

That way, the dock could check the initial launch page and if it didn't match the CRC from the key then it would just throw an error. There are a few issues of course. The dock would need to be able to tell the difference between developer and end-user keys, and issuing any updates would require require updating the key as well, but yeah ...

Just an idea.

As I said, it doesn't really affect me, but I'd like to think that deploying my app wasn't going to stop other developers investing in their own copies of this great tool.
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good idea, thanks!

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Deploying dock with licence file.

Joined: 27 May 2008
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I am new user of phpDock and came to the same problem and conclusion. I understand that the only way to deploy is to include my license file.
Is there any progress around this idea? Or any other way to avoid it?

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Joined: 07 Jul 2008
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Hello world to this forum,

i bought licenses for phpEd,phpDock and nu-coder

Same problem here and, if you agree, please remove:

"No PhpDoc license found..."

or get the error caption from Application Title...

I think it is not correct to sell a product that force to share the individual license to the world. It becomes freeware each subsequent step and you and me loose money and business...

Please add an option to generate a .lic file with crc on Product/Manifacturer/Distributor control.

Another info... why the /redistributables directory? I simply copied /myPhpDockApplicationRoot dir+subdirs (web,php) to another pc and it works...
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Is this resolved?

Joined: 16 Jul 2008
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Is this issue resolved? I wouldnt want to distribute our license in the app that we distribute to our end-users. This is the only reason that I'm holding back in purchasing a copy from you.

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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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As far as I am aware, this has not yet been addressed.

They have added licensing to nucoder so that you can secure and time limit your code, but this still doesn't resolve the issue of an end user removing my custom page, nucoded or not, and just inserting their own files.

Viola, they now have a fully licenced PhpDock without paying for it.

As an owner of this product, I'd really like this to be addressed.
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Deploying dock with licence file.
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