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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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How many ports do I need available to run the debugger? I have only 21, 80, 443 and am running the software to be debugged over 80 and 443.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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Failed to start DBG session

current error message is
Reason: connection to the client address is not allowed
Not sure what it means? Visit for troubleshooting.

Debugger request: "xxx015594301500004@clienthost:1000;d=1,p=0,c=0"
Request found in: "query_string"
Target PHP version: "5.1.x"
Server API: "CGI/FastCGI"
Extensions API: "220051025"
Modules API: "20050922"
PHP API: "20041225"

PHP Ini file contains

debugger.ports=21, 10000/16

debugger - tools->setting->run & Debug-> debugger port it shows 21, but if I select it it goes to 1000
debugger - tools->setting->run & Debug-> debuuger host = clienthost
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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if we cant get ftp port to work can PhpEd use a proxy server?

According to Godaddy (in the contect of reaching paypal)

Thank you for contacting customer support. Please note for outbound connections if done securely (via port 443) need to go through our proxy server to do so. You will need to either use cURL or another scripting language for this with the proxy IP of and a port of 3128.
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TCP, UDp or both protocols?

TCP only

How many ports do I need available to run the debugger?

only one

Reason: connection to the client address is not allowed

you need to add to the list in
and 1000 to

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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port 1000 is not available.
I have the client ip address properly included
I need nusphere Phped to run on ftp port
poert 443 is available only through a proxy server
How can I determine if ftp is active or passive mode or both?

in a private message you asked about ports over 10k. I've not found any yet.

can you provide a copy of PhpEd that can run over the ftp port?
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Reason: connection to the client address is not allowed

this line in the error message means that DBG has stopped itself, not firewall. You need to update php.ini and add address to debugger.hosts_allow and 1000 port to debugger.ports.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 30 May 2010
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Anybody figure out how to do this. Here some Go Daddy input if it will help.

Using SSH to Connect to Your Linux Shared Hosting Account

Enabling SSH on Your Linux Shared Hosting Account

I've spent hours trying all kinds of combinations but I can't get anything to work. It's works on my dedicated server but I need to debug customers' sites that run on Go Daddy and can't get this to work. I too have run the wizard, got all the green check marks but having problems getting the SSH/Port combination that will work.
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debugger timeout on a shared host
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