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Debugger problem with Windows 98

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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I installed maguma studio and it work perfectly on windows 2000.
I installed it on windows 98 se and I have this problem:
when maguna starts, the debug listener starts for few seconds
and the it stops, it disapper from the task bar.
If I start the debug listener by hand, it stays on but maguma does
not see it, I can't use the debugger. Any suggestion?
Is there a way to debug the program start?
The same happen with PHPed.
Thanks in advance!
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It's first time I see such problem with DBG listener.
I'd recommend you re-install the product.
Should be noted that DBG shipped with PHPED is different than that shipped with Maguma. Former comes with DBG commercial version (2.14.10) while Maguma comes with free edition (2.11.5 or 2.11.23).
So you can not have them both installed simultaneously. Before installing either of them you have to uninstall the other.
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Debugger problem with Windows 98

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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I reinstalled everything more times, and uninstalled PHPed before
installling maguma. I even removed the registry entries because
in the listener setu i saw the other IDE. Now I have only the maguma
IDE installed but is allways the same.
Just a question: do you use DCOM for applications communication.
Is it possible that italian version of Win98SE has a bug? I downloaded
from MS a patch about DCOM for win98 but no way to keep dbglistener
on when startet from maguma (or PHPed).
Why maguma does not see bdglistener when I start it before maguma?
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1. DbgListener does not use DCOM, only plain COM. Although DCOM update 1.3 is needed because __int64 data can not be marshalled with COM installed by default, also OLE32.DLL is broken (violates stdcall convensions) and patch updates this dll. Anyway, DCOM patch makes sense for Win95 and Win98 only.

2. I don't know why Maguma IDE does not see DbgListener.exe. After it's been registered, its interfaces are available as a regular COM object and therefore it should be visible w/o problem. Have you tried PHPED ? Does it see DbgListener under your OS ?
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Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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OK, i uninstalled maguma and installed phped and the debugger works correctly. I think phped is a very nice IDE but for me is too expensive.
What do you think, the differences between the free and commercial
version are the cause of my problem? Do I have to wait some new
versions of the free debugger to have it working?
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As far as I know NuSphere holds a promo action till December 1st. Please contact sales AT nusphere DOT com and ask if you can get 50% off.
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Debugger problem with Windows 98
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