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DebugBreak() starting php session for me?

Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 10
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Sample code:

echo "foo";
echo "session has an id";
If you go to this page nothing is echo'ed

if you run this...

echo "foo\n";
echo "session has an id";

"foo session has an id" is printed.

This causes php notices that the session has already been started when i run session_start();

PHP 5.2.8
Nusphere 5.6 Build 5618
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DebugBreak() starting php session for me?

It does never start php sessions. Debugger has absolutely no relation to php sessions. They use different cookie names: DBGSESSID and PHPSESSID respectively and can not make any influence on each other.

What you're observing is PHP session auto-start that always starts PHP session and therefore assigns PHP session ID on the 1st run, corresponding cookie comes back to the server on the 2nd run and you see PHP session ID assigned.

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Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Thank you for the response. I am still confused though.
1. php auto start is turned off in my php.ini file.
If you take the debugBreak() out the third run of this file, the session is NOT set and the page is blank. Is anyone else experiencing this?
So, on the third run is the cookie wiped out? According to your explanation the cookie should return me the session ID again, but it doesn't.
thank you for taking time to respond
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php auto start is turned off in my php.ini file

it's either your script starts PHP session or you're changing wrong php.ini while auto-start is still ON in the right php.ini, or you didn't restart web server after modified php.ini, or you have another php extension that starts php sessions for you. DBG can never start any PHP sessions.
Please check phpinfo() output.

If you take the debugBreak() out the third run of this file, the session is NOT set and the page is blank

I've checked, your page is blank regardless debugBreak() is there or not. So there must be something wrong with your php configuration or with your script.

The PHP IDE team
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DebugBreak() starting php session for me?
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