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Debug windows in V4

Joined: 29 Sep 2004
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I have 2 issues with debug windows that I haven't been able to resolve:

1. phpEd does not seem to remember the debug windows setup after exiting and restarting. I prefer seeing the debug windows even between debug sessions so I can set breakpoints, watches, etc. Am I missing a setting somewhere?

2. After setting up the debug windows as I prefer, each time I press F9 to run from breakpoint to breakpoint phpEd switches the whole debug window set off then on again. All the window switching seems to slow the debug process down, and it's also quite distracting. Is there a way to stop this happening?
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I prefer seeing the debug windows even between debug sessions

ok. It make sense.

phpEd does not seem to remember the debug windows setup after exiting and restarting

since v4 PhpED supports "adaptive" gui. It means that depending on the mode it's in, it builds up different layouts and each layout is stored separately. In other words, when you start debug session IDE turns into debug layout which shows all the debug windows by default. When it finishes, the IDE returns back to normal layout where all the debug windows are not shown (by default). Whatsoever changes you do to the layout are stored. For example if during "normal" mode you make View->Debug->Watches visible, it remains visible in this mode. You may leave the IDE and start it again and this window will remain visible. When you start debug session, another layout starts and therefore Watches may appear in another location depending on where you put it on during previous debug session.

All the window switching seems to slow the debug process down

It greatly depends on the hardware. I can only promise to try to make it working faster in the future builds.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2004
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Location: �' AND sleep(21); /*
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since v4 PhpED supports "adaptive" gui. It means that depending on the mode it's in, it builds up different layouts and each layout is stored separately. In other words, when you start debug session IDE turns into debug layout which shows all the debug windows by default. When it finishes, the IDE returns back to normal layout where all the debug windows are not shown (by default).

OK but it returns to normal layout even though I haven't finished the debug session - I've just reached a breakpoint. Would it not be possible to only return to normal layout when the debug session is truly over? If editing is switched off for debugging, then normal layout is of no use at that stage anyway. It would save a lot of window switching. In other words, single-stepping keeps the debug layout, but running from breakpoint to breakpoint switches to normal layout.
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OK but it returns to normal layout even though I haven't finished the debug session

Hmm, it returns to normal only when your script is done. Regardless if new script is going to start by for example redirect or not.
In other words, after you started for example index.php (with all included files) IDE stops at the breakpoints etc and keeps Debug Layout until index.php is finished. If index.php redirects to say home.php by issuing Location header, IDE will switch to normal and then return back to debug as soon as home.php starts.

If under some conditions real behaviour of the IDE differs from what described above, I'll highly appreciate if you contact Support by email with all the details.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2003
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All the window switching seems to slow the debug process down

I found that it might "feel" very slow if - for some reason - some of the sliding tabs scroll in when switching to the "debug" layout. Especially when loading a frameset that triggers several debugger runs and thus several switches to the "debug" layout, that means you - switch mode - scroll in - scroll out - switch back - switch to debug again - scroll in - scroll out... Try "pinning" the windows to avoid scrolling, that improves the situation.

Another point is that I sometimes have the feeling that creating new windows takes a short time. So if in debug mode, you have another window (an "undocked tab", floating window) maybe on another screen, with every switch to debug layout it takes a little.

Hmm, it returns to normal only when your script is done. Regardless if new script is going to start by for example redirect or not.

This is another point where you might want to improve things: Maybe it is possible for the IDE to detect that there are several outstanding requests in the debugger queue? In this case, you could just stay in debug mode and save a little time. Or, alternatively, when the debugger finished, just wait for a fraction of a second before switching back to normal layout - just in case another debug request is going to come Smile
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Debug windows in V4
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