I'm evaluating PhpED 5.6 (thinking about purchase it) and I have exactly the same problem debug sessions ends after 60 seconds.
I switch off built in Vista firewall but it doesn't things go better.
I have router but I didn't try yet to bypass router to check if it's guilty.
I'm using SSH (cygwin and 'ssh -R 7869:localhost:7869
user@myhost.net' command to communicate debugger with Apache server)
I had no permision to place debugger extension to specified in php.ini extension_dir=/usr/local/php4/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/ (as it was sugested by dbg_wizard.php) but I add a line zend_extension=/home/sys/php4/dbg-php-4.4.so and put it there.
Debuger seems to work but only short time - I can debug 60 s. - it is not enough to resolve problems with scripts
Administrator of host where Apache are working said that: "As I see, that debugger is opening a port and running as a background process. Keep in mind that we do not allow background processes to be ran on the server."
Can it be a reason of finishing of session after 60 s.? If so - how can I switch debbuger to work not as background process?
Who can help me?