Hello to you.
I've just installed the new 8.1 version of PhpED and working on a Web application.
Everything works fine except that I've notice that when i'm doing a debbug session, in Chrome (I do all my debbuging in Chrome instead of internal IE), I don't have the same result as when I look at my app. directly in Chrome.
In Chrome via PhpED debbuging session
(wrong way)
Directly in Chrome
(what its supposed to be)
Here are the lines of code:
<td width="2%" class="tcent"><?= ($fl != 0) ? ' ' : '<a id="expall" href="javascript:show_hide_all()"><i class="icon-plus"></i></a>' ?></td>
<td class="tcent"><a id="<?=$link?>" data-no="<?=$i?>" data-idcont="<?=$contrats[$i]["idcont"]?>" data-nocont="<?=$contrats[$i]['no_contr']?>"><i class="icon-plus"></i></a></td>
I've verified that short tags is set to true, in project settings and even in php.ini of PhpED.
Does anybody have a clue on that...?