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DBG: work with php-cgi.exe or can it work with php.exe?

Joined: 02 Nov 2004
Posts: 45
Location: Omaha, NE
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DBG: does it only work with php-cgi.exe or can it work with php.exe?

Interesting enough, I was able to successfully debug when I selected php-cgi.exe.

However, can I debug if I select php.exe?

1.) I understand the difference between the php-cgi.exe and php.exe.

2.) I don't understand why DBG will only work with php-cgi.exe?

I'll continue to search the threads for more information...


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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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If you mean SRV web server that comes with PHPED, it knows how to run CGI executable and pass CGI variables to it. If you supply CLI version, it simply does not recognize CGI enviroment and therefore does not understand the requests.
If you want to debug CLI applications, you may try bat file like below:

--run.bat file begins-----------------------------
set QUERY_STRING=DBGSESSID=1@localhost:7869;d=1
php.exe yourfile.php arguments_to_be_passed
--cut here----------------------------------------

If you want to run debugger with CLI php from the IDE, just replcace php executable to CLI version in Tools->Settings->SRV web server and switch run mode to "Local CGI (php.exe)" in Tools->Settings->IDE settings. Latter change just tells the IDE "do not use SRV and work with php.exe directly".
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DBG: work with php-cgi.exe or can it work with php.exe?
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