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dbg "Theory of Operation" or example

Joined: 16 Aug 2004
Posts: 13
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If I am not in the right place to post this questoin, then perhaps you can redirect me? I am trying to get PHPEclipse to play with dbg without knowing if that is even possible.

I have RedHat Linux 9.0 as distributed from RedHat which comes with PHP 4.2.2 configured. I downloaded dbg and followed the instructions carefully and successfully.

This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
Zend Engine v1.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Zend Technologies
with DBG v2.11.26, (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003, by Dmitri Dmitrienko

Then I fired up Eclipse 3.0 and I installed the PHPEclipse 1.1.0 plug-ins -- also successfully. I understand that PHPEclipse is not your project. I read the complete PHP manual that comes with PHPEclipse and it was very instructive, but the debugging topic was restricted to PHP3. It was not clear if the same semantics are appropriate for PHP4.

Does dbg work with PHPEclipse?
Can you direct me to an explanation and instructions or maybe (even better...) an example of how dbg works with PHP4? A "Theory of Operation of dbg" monograph would be a good start.


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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Does dbg work with PHPEclipse?

Smile dbg works even without PHPEclipse...
As with PHPEclipse, it comes with it very own dbg client (I heard they re-implemented the dbg client in Java from scratches). Honestly, I don't know how it is done.
Check if it opens listening socket (netstat -naop TCP) on 7869 port and if it does, just try to open an URL with DBGSESSID in the HTTP/GET arguments as described here:
with all the rest questions on how phpeclipse is supposed to work with dbg please contact phpeclipse maintainers. Honestly I don't know even who they are and where they are from...
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dbg "Theory of Operation" or example
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