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DBG and Windows 7

Joined: 31 Jul 2009
Posts: 3
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i have a problem with the DBG. It doesnt run.
Under XP all runnes fines.

Now i'm using Windows 7, Xampp, Expert Debugger and DBG Listener.
And nothing works.

I tryed the different versions of the php_dbg.dll.
5.2: Xampp stops the Apache, no reaction
5.1: The debugger doesn't start, Apache runs
5.0 and older: an error occures: "zval_dtor" in "php5zs.dll" was not found

This are my changes in the php.ini:

debugger.JIT_enabled = 0
debugger.JIT_host = clienthost
debugger.JIT_port = 7869
debugger.fail_silently = 1
debugger.timeout_seconds = 300
debugger.ignore_nops = 0
debugger.enable_session_cookie = 1
debugger.session_nocache = 1
debugger.JIT_level = 3
output_buffering = off

The url: "http://localhost/peaks.php?DBGSESSID=1@clienthost:7869;d=1"

phpinfo() doesnt show the dbg

Has anybody an idea?

best regards
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The "different versions" you are trying are not related to the version of DBG, those are all the same. The version has to match the version of PHP you have installed. ie 5.2 is for PHP5.2

Unless you have a very good reason you should leave JIT enabled. A default DBG config pretty much is the following:


You might want to change the hosts_allow though if you don't want everyone to be able to connect. (I'm not sure that option even works for the freeware version though)
I hope that that helps.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2009
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Thanks Blizz for your Answer, but it didn't help.
I found a solution. All lines in php.ini with "zend" have to be deactivated.

Now i have another problem:
The DBG Listener cannot find the expert debugger:
Failed to open or create an instance of IDE CoClass {FB52DCF0-C1D6-470F-9EB2-F7394C70DED0}. OSERR (0x80004002) 'Schnittstelle nicht unterstützt'.

The Windows 7 Firewall is not active.

What can i do?
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Joined: 31 Jul 2009
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The solution for the Problem is, that the Listener of the expert debugger distribution has to be used. To install the listener seperate does not work, at least with Windows 7.
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The debug listener (tries to) instantiates an instance of the COM object that is registered as the "IDE CoClass".
If you don't have a compatible IDE/debug application installed it will give that error, as you found out yourself already.
The listener just acts as an agent between the debugging application and your PHP.
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DBG and Windows 7
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