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dbg 2.14.9 - connection to client not allowed

Joined: 16 Aug 2003
Posts: 101
Location: Montreal, Canada
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I have just installed phpED 3.2.1 eval, and for the life of me, can't figure out how to make remote debugging to work. There is not much information (that I could find), about the configuration directives for this new version, but they seem different, based on the various documentation I found on this site.

Everything works correctly when locally debugging on winxp (php_dbg.dll is in the right directory).

When trying to remote debug, I get


Failed to start debug session

connection to the client address is not allowed
(where is the address where phpED is running)

On the remote server (RH7.3, PHP4.3.2, Apache 1.3.27):
installed the new file in the right location;
added this to php.ini:

debugger.enabled = true
debugger.profiler_enabled = true
debugger.hosts_allow = localhost,
debugger.hosts_deny = ALL
debugger.ports = 10000/16, 7869

and restarted apache. I've event tried adding my ip to the hosts_allow directive, to no avail.

phpinfo shows the debugger is enabled, among other things. Firewall is definitely NOT in the way.

Any help appreciated.

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if you want to enable dbg to work with specified host you'd read
where I explained how to use debugger.hosts_allow and debugger.hosts_deny settings.
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Hmmm, tried that...

Joined: 16 Aug 2003
Posts: 101
Location: Montreal, Canada
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Hi Dmitri,

I've tried changing this a few times.

Firewall on both sides is currently totally disabled for these tests,

my php.ini reads:

debugger.enabled = true
debugger.profiler_enabled = true
debugger.hosts_allow =

and I've restarted Apache. I still get that the connection to my host is not allowed (and it lists the same IP I gave in the config).

I really, really want to get going! So far, phpED seems to be the way to go over other IDEs I'm evaluating, but I can't purchase until I fix this problem!


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please make sure you are correcting the same php.ini as listed in the phpinfo() topmost header. Also make sure that is somewhere above the [debugger] section. Then make sure that there is only one debugger.hosts_allow setting in the file.
If you made sure about everything listed above and did not find any wrong stuff please send me all phpinfo() results, php.ini and screenshot or text copy of the message given on the client side.
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Support call - private info

Joined: 16 Aug 2003
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Location: Montreal, Canada
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Hi Dmitri,

I'll open a support call with the requested info. All of what you asked to check seemed set properly.


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Joined: 16 Aug 2003
Posts: 101
Location: Montreal, Canada
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Since I have not found any info pertaining to this, I thought I'd pass this along for anyone who might encounter this problem.

With the current eval distribution of phpED (3.2.1) and DBG 3.14.9, I had to add "dbg:all" in /etc/hosts.allow on RedHat 7.3.

Otherwise, the debugger would not allow any connection to any IP address on the outside.

Thanks to Dmitri and NuSphere support for their help.

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dbg 2.14.9 - connection to client not allowed
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