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db_dataobject factory code insight

Joined: 19 Jul 2006
Posts: 1
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Hi, I am demo'ing your product right now and came across something that I would really like to have, if it is not already possible....

I use the Pear DB_DataObject library quite a bit. That library uses a ::factory('CLASSNAME') method to create new instances of the DataObject class. The class name passed to it loads a seperate class file that inherits from DB_DataObject. The problem is, as far as I can tell, that using this method, the code insight tool doesnt know what the return value is, cause it dynamically instantiated.

I already read this FAQ posting and it did not seem to answer the question, since the return class type will be different every time.

So is this possible with NuSphere? Or could it be implemented down the road? If it does have it I will buy it today! I work with a lot of DataObject classes, and having the code insight work for those would be awesome.

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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there are two possible ways and both are covered there:

In short, either add /** return DataObject */ phpdoc before the factory's method,
or /** @var <real object class> */ before the assignment, like below:

/** @var SomeClass */
$my->| // code completion will work for $my
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db_dataobject factory code insight
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