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Customizing PHPEd

Joined: 22 May 2004
Posts: 76
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I thought at one time we had the ability to add our integration scripts to our own customized toolbar. For example I have a script that opens up the xampp control panel. I wanted to create a button on my customized toolbar for that script. But when I tried, all it let's me do is drag the whole scripts menu to the new toolbar. It won't allow me to drag just the individual scripts from the menu to my own toolbar. Didn't phped have this feature implemented? if not, then is there anyway to implement it? Will it be a feature in the future?

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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It's not possible to separate individual scripts from the menu, yet. They all belong to pre-defined parent and populate from that point. So you can drag them only altogether.

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Customizing PHPEd
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