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custom debugger client

Joined: 13 Sep 2004
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I am experimenting with writing my own dbg client. I am running win xp with php 4.3.2. I've installed dbg along with PHPEclipse. I am able to run the debugger in the PHPEcllipse environment so I know it's setup properly.

I made a very very simple test Java program where I open a ServerSocket on port 7869 and wait for connections and dump any contents that come over the wire. I run this program test client then run a simple php page from command line, i.e. php.exe foo.php. The problem is I never get a debugger connection on the Java client. I have a feeling I simplified this to much?

Here are my php.ini settings

debugger.enabled = On
debugger.profiler_enabled = On
debugger.hosts_deny = ALL
debugger.hosts_allow = localhost,,
debugger.ports = 7869, 10000/16
debugger.JIT_host = clienthost
debugger.JIT_port = 7869
debugger.JIT_enabled = On
debugger.fail_silently = Off

Any Ideas,
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Sorry, what's the question ? You want me to teach you how to write your own Java client or what ?
Certainly debugger does not connect to the client until either it is explicitly requested or JIT condition happened.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2004
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Let me try and clarify. I don't want you to teach me how to write my own Java client. My question has to do with specifically how and when the debugger makes a connection to a client. How does one explicitly request the debugger? I would assume a JIT condition would occur upon an error? Am I correct in assuming that the debugger would never connect to a client if an error has not occured?
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Debugger is supposed to connect to the client if either of the following conditions met
-debug session is requested (see FAQ on how to do it)
-a regular error (E_WARNING as well as other E_xxx) occured _and_ it is sufficiently high to pass by JIT error level and JIT is enabled.
I would recommend you to rely on the first condition as the main way.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2004
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That's exactly what I was looking for. Thankyou!!
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custom debugger client
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