Hi All,
I have been running the PhpED IDE for 5 years, now, and it is the only one for me! (currently v 8.0 build 8032)
It has been working a treat. Edit, develop, debug with SRV on a local Windows 7 pc, then upload to the company intranet server, and make it available to the company - to be browsed with IE, Firefox, Chrome, Android Tablets, all the while being able to continue local development on my PC, and even debug the live one if needed. Fantastic. Just what PhpED was made for. But then I needed a :hover feature that IE 7, 8, 9 will only do in Strict doctype mode.
So I changed the DOCTYPE heading from transitional to strict, which broke all my css (the css files could not be found). Reducing it, I ended up with this minimum program which no longer works.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/js-css/pipe.css">
<div class="titlebar">
This is meant to find a stylesheet to resolve the 'titlebar' class in the /jss-css folder off the main doc root.
With the combination of: SRV (local debug), PLUS external IE browser, PLUS strict doctype, it fails to find the css file to style the titlebar (or anything else in the real programs).
If I relax the doctype, OR if I use any other external browser (FF, Opera, Chrome), OR if I run it on the main apache2 server it finds the stylesheet, and works as required.
I wondered if I could add a specific absolute path to the css file, but I can't find one that works (eg href="http://localhost:8080/js-css/pipe.css"), whereas href="http://pipe.pi/js-css/pipe.css" DOES work above, although it fetches it from the production server (pipe.pi) and not the development pc, localhost.
This has broken my ability to further develop and test any local applications for IE, because the strict doctype needs to go in an include file used by all our apps.
The Default home Directory for the SRV web server is set to "C:\Users\jeremys.PI\Documents\Projects - PI\pippa\PippaApps\Pippa-WebApps\PIPE" which is correct, and works with SRV for all but "external IE" in strict mode.
Even if I could determine a full absolute path that would tell IE where to find the css file, I would be happy, because I can make it conditional in my php depending on whether is is being run locally or remotely.
I have googled till I am blue in the face, but I cannot find if there another setting I should have made to get SRV to correctly tell IE how to find the local css file under the SRV home directory specified. Any help would be greatly appreciated.