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Configuring with remote server and two directories

Joined: 27 Nov 2009
Posts: 98
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I am having a difficult time figuring out my setup when using a remote 3rd party WEB server.

I want to be able to view files both in my htdocs directory (in my case called www) in the workspace as well as files in a support library application directory which is below my htdocs directory. I also want to be able to publish to both these directories.

I am using PhpED 5.8, Windows 7, and a shared hosting Linux server.

My remote server directory structure is as follows:
/cgi-bin, /etc, /logs, and other directories

/www is where my webserver points to using
/application is a bunch of files which support the website. They are accessed either via an INCLUDE in the /www directory or via a symbolic link from somewhere in the /www directory to somewhere in the /application directory.

On my local PC, I set a project up with contains both the /www directory and the /application directory. They are both located in C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\NuSphere\PhpED\projects\project1.

Project Properties is filled out as follows:

Project Properties ->Properties -> Project
Project: C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\NuSphere\PhpED\projects\project1.ppj
Root Directory: Should this be C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\NuSphere\PhpED\projects\project1 or C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\NuSphere\PhpED\projects\project1\www?
Source control: None
Project Properties ->Properties -> Publishing
Account: ftp1
Top publishing directory: / (or should this be something else?)
Don’t publish directives: CVS;svn
Project Properties ->Properties -> Mapping
Run mode: HTTP Mode (3rd party WEB server).
Root URL:
Remote root directory: /www (or should this be /?)
Project Properties ->Properties -> Files is basically blank.

Since /www and /application are both organized the same way on my remote server as well as my local my local PC, I thought it would be easy, but I can’t get it working. Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to configure?

Thank you!
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Root Directory: Should this be C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\NuSphere\PhpED\projects\project1 or C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\NuSphere\PhpED\projects\project1\www?

If you pick 2nd way, you won't see application subtree in the project. Sometimes it's desirable. Sometimes not. In the latter case pick 1st variant.

Remote root directory: /www (or should this be /?)

Depends on the previous choise and should be either / or /www respectively.

Top publishing directory: / (or should this be something else?)

Depends on where your ftp is saving the files. If its root matches the file system root (in this case /www in ftp is the same as /www in the remote filesystem), you'd select directory that corresponds to the local project root. So it depends on the 1st choise.

Root URL:

it would be correct for the /www. Otherwise you have to leave it empty and add an extra mapping entry that will establish a connection between remote /www directory, url, and project1/www local directory.

I'd highly recommend you to setup your project using Project Settings Wizard.

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Joined: 27 Nov 2009
Posts: 98
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Thanks dmitri,

I ended up using the Project Settings Wizard, and even got it working! To better understand the settings, I wanted to manually configure it to match the results I got by using the wizard, but could not seem to be able to do so. It should be possible, right? I think the problem might have been not leaving the Root URL blank and creating a second mapping.
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Configuring with remote server and two directories
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