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Code insight works intermittently

Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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I'm using PHPEd 3.3.3 on Win2K. Sometimes code insight (AKA code completion) works, sometimes not. It seems to always work with variables defined in the page. Properties of classes that are defined in included files often are not seen by code insight.

I went into Project > Properties > Files and set "Include path" to the root of my project. All the defined classes are under than root. But code insight often does not find the properties or functions anyway.

Currently, all my project files are in one directory.

Is there any way to get code completion/code insight to work all the time?


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suppose you have two files and two files included in them:
include "incdir/inc1.php"

include "incdir2/inc2.php"

inc1.php is located in /somedir/incdir/inc1.php
and inc2.php is located in /somedir/someotherdir/incdir2/inc1.php

in this case both /somedir/someotherdir and /somedir should be listed in the "include path" setting.

Forthcoming PHPED 4.0 besides others is targeted to this problem.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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Actually, it often doesn't work when the included file is in a directory in the include path. It fails to know about declared classes, methods, variables, etc.

All needed files parent directories are definitely in the configured include path.

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Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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Here is an example of what I'm talking about. This is some code from my current project:

$interests = new SGroup($grp);
$interests->baseParam = 'interests';
$interests->d1 = 'Interests';
$interests->d2 = 'Select all interests that apply.';
SUnit::initPerson($inMY_CURSOR_HERE , 'localhost', 'username', 'password', 'persons', 'interest');

I try to add a parameter for the initPerson() function call. The cursor is where it says "MY_CURSOR_HERE". Note that I've already typed "$in" and I'm looking for the IDE to complete it to "$interests". However, the IDE does not pop up a list of completion options. If I hit CTRL > SPACE, nothing happens.

But if the cursor is at the start of a blank like, code completion does work for "$interests". Is it that code completion does not work within function call parameter lists?


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Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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Here is another illustration from my project...

$userPrefs = new PrefSet;
$activities = new Pref($u  <-- looking for code completion "$userPrefs"

As above, no code completion popup.

Here is more information to help specify the issue.

When I am working on a function declaration parameter list code completion popup menu comes up when I type "$".

I type...

function i // Code completion popup appears.

Don't need completion because I'm defining a function name. I type the rest of the name and start the parameter list...

function initUserPrefs($  // Code completion popup appears.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2004
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ddmitrie, I hope you are finanlly gonna believe my post as well that code completion is not working - I posted full examples for you, and all you kept saying is it worked, while it obviously doesn't, as this user is now confirming...

I really need this to be fixed, or I'll need to find another solution, which would be a shame, since I like nusphere a lot.
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and all you kept saying is it worked

Actually not. It's known that in some situations v 3.3 does not provide code completion due to its limitations. It's not an ideal code insight tool. All I said is below:
Forthcoming PHPED 4.0 besides others is targeted to this problem.

And it's what I keep saying Smile
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Code insight works intermittently
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