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Vardoc for $this inside view file

Joined: 30 May 2006
Posts: 96
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dmitri wrote:
For $this it is a lot harder, but the parser in the IDE knows which class does the function call normally right?

No. It does not.
$this can be an instance of the method's class or any of the successors:

class AAA {
   function BBB() {
      return $this;

class CCC extends AAA {   

$c = new CCC();

$a = new AAA();


I have the same problem - how does PHPEd recognize $this via vardoc @var parameter?

Lots of frameworks will only include some view file, so "$this" construct is not defined within the view file.
However, the view file is always created by a controller.

So how can I tell inside view file, that "$this" should map to e.g. AdminController?

This is syntax used by Netbeans:
/* @var $this AdminController */

I tried
* @var $this AdminController

* @var AdminController

but neither of this works in NUSphere..

Can anybody give a clue on this?

Thanx in advance.
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Indeed, $this is handled as a special case, the case with known class -- the class in the scope.
In the hand, I see no reason why PHPDOC would be ignored for $this, so we'll implement this in 6112 and the following declaration will work starting with this build:

* @var AdminController

Please note, that even though you can call succeessor code by "overriding" or casting class of $this, it certainly violates OOP practice.
For example, suppose we have a class A and another class B inherited from A. If you write a method in class B, you can call any other method in B and in A. This is okay. But you can not and should not call any method of B in A's method. Same goes to the properties.
These rules are followed automatically by PhpED code completion. With this case it will allow calling A and B from B, and won't list B's methods while coding A. You don't need any PHPDOC typehints to make it working in this way.

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