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Code formating on per project basis

Joined: 30 May 2006
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It is quite a frustrating, that PHPEd supports only one global code formatting settings.
When working on multiple projects I often need to switch between projects.
Ironically, the longer I work with PHPEd, the more often I need to switch to various code formating Smile

For example we have a PHP + angular project.
Angular JS files always do their standard formating: 1 tab = 2 spaces, no TABS chars, no optimal fill.
Then I need to modify PHP file on the same project which uses: 1 tab = 1 TAB character, optimal fill.
It's really difficult to find proper formating settings in PHPEd for both at the same time - not possible globally, not to mention on per project basis.

This feature would make huge step forward and make PHPEd much more competitive.
BTW - My colleagues also refused to use PHPEd due to this missing feature, even though I told them that they suck and debugging is more important than formatting Smile
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and how would per-project tab setting help have different settings for the files in the same project?

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Maybe, it could be done like all others do it too? Smile

EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. The EditorConfig project consists of a file format for defining coding styles and a collection of text editor plugins that enable editors to read the file format and adhere to defined styles. EditorConfig files are easily readable and they work nicely with version control systems.

For me, one aspect that is more important than working with different IDEs or Editors, is: When working on an OS project that uses for example tabs for indentation, (I personally use 4 spaces) I have to switch my settings. Also when back working on my own projects, I have to switch it back. And regarding that, you surely can imagine that it is a really, unnecassary culprit when simultaneously working on files from both project types.

I'm very happy with PhpED and its toolset. Only this one is missing for me!

Thanks for mailing me and asking for improvements.

( and greetings to lubosdz, I feel with you Smile )
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guys, it's still unclear what you need.
According to the description, you have two set of files in one project. One set has 2spaces as an indentation step and remaining has 1tab per indent.
On the other hand, per-project settings would allow to set different spaces/tabs for different projects. Okay. What's about files in one project? Isn't it clear it won't help?

The PHP IDE team
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IMHO, the best solution would be to support editorconfig files.
These is a list of IDEs, Editors that use it:
    Visual Studio
    Visula Studio Code

On the website it is short but detailed explained how this works. PhpED needs to lookout for .editorconfig files in each of its project directories, and if found one, parse it. After parsing all those files, if there are multiple, there is a final result, that needs to be translated / transmitted into PhpEDs Editor settings.

When activating another project, the parsing needs to be repeated. Come on dmitri, PhpEd scans and parses half of my PC when I open a project, and it presents me everything what may have changed, even when changed outsite of PhpED, in lightning speed. I believe you guys are able to implement this in a few hours. Please have a read there on the website. It is easy, unobtrusive and very powerful. And nothing had to be set in PhpEDs settings. Every thing goes automagicaly. Only one thing may be added to the editor settings or project settings: the possibility to ignore the .editorconfig files for a particular project.
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Joined: 22 Apr 2014
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That would be awesome if PHPEd could support

It's the first time I saw this, but it would be the best solution I could imagine. Thanks for sharing.
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I would really like projects to remember the number of spaces. Currently I set PhpED to 2 spaces and then do a double indents/outdents when it needs to be 4 spaces (tedious).

I do also work on some projects where according to the standards, the number of spaces varies between different file types. PHP and HTML 4 spaces, CSS and Twig 2 spaces, etc.

So being able to set the number of spaces by file type on a per project basis would be nice, but I would be happy to be able to set it just for individual files, just like you can set the encoding.
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Code formating on per project basis
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