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Code Completion for array elements

Joined: 28 Nov 2005
Posts: 144
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is it possible to have code completion for array variables?

eg: when I type
i'd like to have the complete list of the standard variable names like HTTP_HOST, SERVER_NAME...

same thing for if I write:
$test = array('xxx' => 1, 'yyy' => 2);

when I type
echo $test[
I would like to have a list of all the "known" elements of the array $test.

Possible to have this?
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It would require some researches Smile
If you have further ideas on what could be improved and/or made better, lay them on me via Contact Us page, or through email if you know.
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Joined: 08 May 2006
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Any update on this request? This is the only thing Zend has that I'm missing in PhpED and it is very useful for me, especially $GLOBALS. Example: in an included file I have
$_config_abc = '123'
then when I'm typing in some other file
autocomplete pops up with _config_abc and every other global scope var starting with _c

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Joined: 22 Feb 2006
Posts: 106
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I think this request should be a top priority, that's really the only thing that lacks in PhpED.

I hope that you, guys from the awsome Nusphere developpment Team, will be able to implement it, very soon.

As for the "Find Declaration" function, I hope that it'll also be able to take into account functions coming from objects in arrays.

For example, when dealing with a session object, it would be great to find the declaration of the members functions related.
Ex: $_SESSION['obj']->Display();

If had only one wish for PhpEd, it would be this !

Thanks in advance and good luck (I know it sounds like a hard job to complete).
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Code Completion for array elements
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