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Code Completion and Insight Bug?

Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Hey -

When working with PHPEd, if write a function like

function myFunction($param1, $param2) {

// do something

Then save as a file named myFunction.php. The code completion works fine for this user-defined function.

But when I update it to include new params, for example...

function myFunction($param1, $param2, $param3) {

// do something

And save again as myFunction.php. The code completion fails to detail the third parameter (i.e., $param3). This can be very confusing to a programmer or even a team of programmers who rely on PHPEd's ability to properly provide insight and code-completion. It forces you to look back at the source to confirm you are feeding the correct number of parameters.

I've tried refreshing the project and the file itself. Seems like a caching issue.

Anyone else experiencing this issue? And is it really even an issue?

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It's a problem of evaluation version only.
Commercial version (phped 3.3 hotfix1) works fine and updates code tree immediately after it is changed.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Hmmm.... I'm running the commercial version of PHPEd 3.3 w/ Hotfix 1 applied, and I still observe the problem.

Anything you (or I) may have missed? Can I force an update?

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I'd highly appreciate if you tell me by email how to replicate the problem.
Please don't forget every and each aspects. All clicks, all settings for projects, currently opened files and so forth.

I know that this problem was discovered in originally released phped 3.3 and was (now I can't be sure Embarassed) fixed in hotfix1.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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I am running v3.3 Build 3338 w/ HF1. I have one workspace. Within the workspace I have one project. (I've found this prevents duplicate references to the same class or function def'n but with slightly different params).

On the "Code Insight" Tab all check boxes are checked except for Initial View Expanded (Class Methods and Functions).

I'm not sure Editor Options play a role here.


I have a class library and some helper functions to help me emit HTML.

For example,


class clsParagraph extends clsTag {

     * Emit paragraph <p> tagset
     * @param   string          $text           What appears between the tags
     * @param   string          $textfont       Optional: used when an explicit declaration of font text is desired
     * @param   string          $id             Optional: DOM reference id, possible use with JavaScript
     * @param   mixed           $attr           Array or semicolon separated string of attributes
     * @return  string
   function clsParagraph($text="",$textFont="",$id="",$attr="") {
      if (!empty($id)) $retVal.=";id=$id";

        if (!empty($text) && !empty($textFont)) {
        } elseif (!empty($text)) {


I have at times modified the constructor of a sub-class to include a new parameter. When I do this, PHPEd does NOT necessarily pick up the change with insight. See my earlier remarks... very annoying, but not show-stopping. It just hinders a neophyte programmer making use of the new API from trusting PHPEd's code insight.

I'm thinking we have a caching issue. PHPEd must cache the changes somewhere. So, I would see the old parameter list as I am instantiating a new variable of type clsParagraph above.

This may also be duplicated just drafting then later augmenting helper functions of the


function myFunction ($var1, $var2, ... , $varN) {



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Code Completion and Insight Bug?
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