I am running v3.3 Build 3338 w/ HF1. I have one workspace. Within the workspace I have one project. (I've found this prevents duplicate references to the same class or function def'n but with slightly different params).
On the "Code Insight" Tab all check boxes are checked except for Initial View Expanded (Class Methods and Functions).
I'm not sure Editor Options play a role here.
I have a class library and some helper functions to help me emit HTML.
For example,
class clsParagraph extends clsTag {
* Emit paragraph <p> tagset
* @param string $text What appears between the tags
* @param string $textfont Optional: used when an explicit declaration of font text is desired
* @param string $id Optional: DOM reference id, possible use with JavaScript
* @param mixed $attr Array or semicolon separated string of attributes
* @return string
function clsParagraph($text="",$textFont="",$id="",$attr="") {
if (!empty($id)) $retVal.=";id=$id";
if (!empty($text) && !empty($textFont)) {
} elseif (!empty($text)) {
I have at times modified the constructor of a sub-class to include a new parameter. When I do this, PHPEd does NOT necessarily pick up the change with insight. See my earlier remarks... very annoying, but not show-stopping. It just hinders a neophyte programmer making use of the new API from trusting PHPEd's code insight.
I'm thinking we have a caching issue. PHPEd must cache the changes somewhere. So, I would see the old parameter list as I am instantiating a new variable of type
clsParagraph above.
This may also be duplicated just drafting then later augmenting helper functions of the
function myFunction ($var1, $var2, ... , $varN) {