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>client ip address [NULL] lookup failed< solved

Joined: 17 May 2004
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Just thought I'd share my solution...

On a fresh XP machine with sp2 I installed PHPEd 3.3.2 (3378), apache 2.0.50 and php 5.0.1 as a module... phpinfo.php worked like a charm.

I added this to my php.ini:

debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16

The error:
Whenever I pressed the single-step button in PHPEd, the following error was presented:


Failed to run DBG session

client ip address [NULL] lookup failed
debugger request found in "query_string".
Not sure what it means? Visit for troubleshooting.

I imidiatly suspected the new enhanced and improved XP firewall, but that proved not to be the problem..

In an IE browser, I entered
which started the single-step debugging in PHPed.. Very weird..

Again from PHPEd I pressed the single-step, resulting in the same error as above.. Right-clicking, choosing Properties, revealed this URL:

see the difference? In the browser window opened by PHPEd, the "@localhost:7869" is omitted!

The solution:
In PHPEd I did:
Menu: Tools -> Settings -> Tab: Debugger
Here i deselected the "Auto Select Host" and entered "localhost" in the "Debugger host" field..

Now everything works Smile

Hope it'll help someone Smile
- Philip
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Hmm, could you please send me phpinfo() results at the email ?
As far as I know dbg 2.16.12 handles empty hostnames in the requests without any problems...

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Joined: 17 May 2004
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Sure.. Its on its way Smile
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Thanks for the fix!

Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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I was having this same problem tonight and your post solved it for me.


Michael W.
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Joined: 17 May 2004
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A debug session between Dmitri (NuSphere) and me, narrowed the problem down to the 'register_long_arrays = off' setting in php.ini-recommended.

Apparently PHPed (Or more correctly the remote debugger thingy) still requires the 'register_long_arrays' to be 'on', albeit the PHP team have depreciated this since version 4.1.0!

This is the quote from php.ini-recommended:

; - register_long_arrays = Off [Performance]
; Disables registration of the older (and deprecated) long predefined array
; variables ($HTTP_*_VARS). Instead, use the superglobals that were
; introduced in PHP 4.1.0

The difference between php.ini-recommended and php.ini-dist is amongst other the 'register_long_arrays' setting. It is off in 'recommended' and on in 'dist'.

Two workarounds have been identified if you're experiencing this problem:
1) Set register_long_arrays = on
2) Use the method described in the bottom of the first post in this thread.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Apparently PHPed (Or more correctly the remote debugger thingy) still requires the 'register_long_arrays' to be 'on', albeit the PHP team have depreciated this since version 4.1.0

Actually, according to the docs

register_long_arrays boolean
Tells PHP whether or not to register the deprecated long $HTTP_*_VARS type predefined variables. When On (default), long predefined PHP variables like $HTTP_GET_VARS will be defined. If you're not using them, it's recommended to turn them off, for performance reasons. Instead, use the superglobal arrays, like $_GET.

This directive became available in PHP 5.0.0.

See for full text.
As you can see this directive was introduced in 5.0.0. And it does not matter if long arrays ARE enabled or not.
Starting with Dbg 2.14 (and higher) it searches for DBGSESSID in
a) query_string (that is source for _GET and HTTP_GET_VARS)
b) $_GET
d) $_POST
i) cookie_data (which is the origin for _COOKIE and HTTP_COOKIE_VARS variables should they be enabled).

So I see no point for the claim... Smile Smile Smile
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>client ip address [NULL] lookup failed< solved
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