I have recently got a new Centos5 server in addition to my Fedora 3 based one. I have had no problems at all with the FC3 but the Centos one is causing some permission problems.
Through phpEd I cannot create a directory via the ftp explorer or by creating local folders and then attempting to upload them. I can however, create folders/upload using FlashFXP ftp client. I have checked user permissions even to the point of chmodding to 777 (normally I only use 755).
I don't know if this will help or if it's related: I have also started to use Joomla 1.5 on the new server and cannot use the ftp layer with that as it says the MKD command is not allowed. Could phpEd be using the raw MKD command to create directories and why then does FlashFXP work? Is there more that one way to make a directory? I'm not an FTP guru as you can tell
Thanks in advance for your help.