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Cannot find any local file

Joined: 07 Apr 2004
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How could I to disable the message: "Cannot find any local file corresponding to XXX remote file. Would you like to specify the local file manually?"?

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You have to setup mapping correctly or turn off showing mapping errors.
Should be noted that breakpoints won't work in files that phped failed to map.
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Just turned off

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I have just turned off showing mapping errors but the message is showing yet. Are there any other way?
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Oh, sorry, I messed the message with another one.
This one is about missed local file, so why don't you place that file to appropriate directory and let phped see it ?
Read this post on how to set up project properties and directories in particular:
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problem with distributed files

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We work on a system of distributed files like a repository system (cvs). I need that the editor only look for my local files because the orther part of the code is not under mi local tree. I only need breakpoints into the files which i'm working in. My system look for the rest of files to run.

Thanks for all, but I think that this editor will not allow me to work this way.

Do you have some suggestion?
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Let's go deeper into details. If you run a remote debug session and step into say an included file which has no local copy in defalt location, phped asks where to take a copy from. The defalt location is calculated by mapping rules you set in the project properties.
For example if you have local root as c:\myproject\www and remote root as /var/www/ and step into a file in /var/www/subdir1/subdir2/file1.php, phped will look for file1.php in c:\myproject\www\subdir1\subdir2.

Can you specify how your files are located locally and remotely ?
Just two files, the file where you are stepping in and the file you are stepping to.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2004
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Excuse me, but all you have exposed is evident.

Let me explain you it in deep:

All our links are formed by call to a php function which look for the existence of the file in the actual user 'work tree', if it donĀ“t exist the function return the fullpath of the file in the 'delopment central tree'.By example:

General root structure:


Development central root:

/var/wwws/html/desarrollo/<all code>

User work root:
(This is the remote root for PhpEd)
/var/wwws/html/username/desarrollo/<only actual work files> + index.php

Call to the function:


if /var/wwws/html/username/desarrollo/comun/util.php exists
return /var/wwws/html/username/desarrollo/comun/util.php
return /var/wwws/html/desarrollo/comun/util.php

but /var/wwws/html/desarrollo/comun/util.php is not under the remote root defined in PhpEd, then PhpEd ask me for it. This do the debugger slow and tedious.

My problem would be resolved eliminating the alert and the question: Do you want locale the file manualy?. Nevertheless, this question is necessary when i step into a funtion defined into a file that does not exist in the local root, for example.

I think that this is a new feature request which will not be solved soon, but also I think that it is something interesting to consider.

What do you think about it?

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if /var/wwws/html/desarrollo/comun/util.php is not under the remote root, you deal with out-of-web tree scripts and should proceed with FAQ below:

In short, you should copy /var/wwws/html/desarrollo/ to a local directory below the local root directory and add one mapping entry that will connect the local directory with remote one.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2004
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That solucion work fine for me

Thank you very much.

(I have more questions but i will send you in other topics)
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Cannot find any local file
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