Hello. I'm having some problems starting up Apache under OS X after compiling and installing dbg 2.11.30. Essentially, when I try to start using the Sharing Control Panel, it freezes at "Web Sharing starting up..." I'm using Marc Liyanage's PHP 4.3.4 Entropy package.
I did the compile/make/make install dance using ./configure --enable-dbg=shared --with-dbg-profiler with no problems.
I moved dbg.so to /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions. I'm not sure why make created no-debug-non-zts-20020429 in /usr/lib/php/extensions, but I moved that over here also for good measure. This didn't seem to have any effect.
I modified php.ini to include the relevant parts:
debugger.enabled = true
debugger.profiler_enabled = true
debugger.JIT_host = clienthost
debugger.JIT_port = 7869
debugger.ports=7869, 1000/16
extension_dir = /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions
I stopped the server using the Sharing Control Panel. Restarting gives me the "starting up..." freeze.
otool -L dbg.so seems to see something:
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 71.1.1)
As does nm /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/dbg.so:
00009fcc s EH_frame1
0000a624 S _DBG_globals
00005088 T _MATCHFILE
U _OnUpdateInt
U _OnUpdateString
00007504 T _SysError
U __CurrentRuneLocale
U __DefaultRuneLocale
U ____runetype
U ____tolower
000086e4 t ___divdi3
U ___error
U ___sF
U __array_init
U __convert_to_string
00009fe0 s __divdi3.eh
00000810 t __dyld_func_lookup
U __efree
U __emalloc
U __erealloc
U __estrdup
U __estrndup
00000000 t __mh_bundle_header
U __php_stream_open_wrapper_as_file
U __zend_bailout
U __zval_copy_ctor
U __zval_dtor
00007328 T _add_rawdata
000043cc T _add_session_cookie
U _atoi
U _atol
00000968 T _back_trace_dtor
0000769c T _bp_array_add
00008498 T _bp_array_clear
00007730 T _bp_array_cmp
00007788 T _bp_array_find
0000764c T _bp_array_free
00007758 T _bp_array_sort
00000910 T _bp_dtor
000075b0 T _bp_no_cmp
00007bfc T _chk_hit_bp
00001e18 T _chk_scan_post
00004978 T _chk_session_request
00001f3c T _chk_session_request_post
U _close
0000a3fc D _cmdlist
00001d30 T _cmp_ext
00002458 T _cmpll
U _compiler_globals
U _connect
0000a474 D _context_columns
U _convert_to_boolean
U _convert_to_long
00002600 T _create_debugger_socket
00000a08 T _ctx_dtor
000009fc T _ctxlines_dtor
00003e9c T _dbg_ack_loop
000014cc T _dbg_activate
00007e04 T _dbg_add_bp_reply
000035b0 T _dbg_add_version_reply
00001d14 T _dbg_api_no_check
00004dd0 T _dbg_checkpausereq
000084a4 T _dbg_chk_bp_hits
0000a2a4 D _dbg_compat_info
00001534 T _dbg_deactivate
00007874 T _dbg_do_resolve_bp
000012d0 T _dbg_error_cb
00001b9c T _dbg_fcall_begin_handler
00001cb8 T _dbg_fcall_end_handler
00002810 T _dbg_findmodule
000040e8 T _dbg_flush_log
000037b4 T _dbg_full_eval
0000a31c D _dbg_functions
000036fc T _dbg_get_context_sym_table
00003c9c T _dbg_handle_request
00007f60 T _dbg_llist_sort
00002468 T _dbg_lookup_hostname
00007d90 T _dbg_mark_del_temp_breakpoints
00004efc T _dbg_mod_item_by_name
00004f4c T _dbg_mod_item_by_no
00004fe4 T _dbg_mod_name_by_no
0000a388 D _dbg_module_entry
0000a790 b _dbg_module_id
00001a04 T _dbg_onsessfailed
00001d0c T _dbg_op_array_ctor
00001d10 T _dbg_op_array_dtor
00001598 T _dbg_op_array_handler
00006be0 T _dbg_packet_add_frame
000073f4 T _dbg_packet_add_rawdata
000073fc T _dbg_packet_add_stringlen
00006b20 T _dbg_packet_clear
00006e28 T _dbg_packet_findfirstframe
00006e6c T _dbg_packet_findnextframe
0000745c T _dbg_packet_findrawdata
00006ddc T _dbg_packet_firstframe
00006ad4 T _dbg_packet_free
00006ab8 T _dbg_packet_new
00006df8 T _dbg_packet_nextframe
0000722c T _dbg_packet_recv
00007088 T _dbg_packet_recv_body
00006ef8 T _dbg_packet_send
00006b30 T _dbg_packet_update_limit
00003d64 T _dbg_process_ack
00007ab8 T _dbg_rebuild_bplist
000079e8 T _dbg_rebuild_bplist_mod
00008578 T _dbg_reset_bp_isunderhit
00007968 T _dbg_resolve_bp
00003fd0 T _dbg_send_command
00005198 T _dbg_send_error
000041b8 T _dbg_send_log
00004ad0 T _dbg_send_sid
000050dc T _dbg_send_std_action
00005d94 T _dbg_serialize_hash
00005d30 T _dbg_serialize_zval
0000807c T _dbg_set_breakpoint
00001450 T _dbg_shutdown
00006c74 T _dbg_sock_read
00004b40 T _dbg_start_session
0000138c T _dbg_startup
00001af4 T _dbg_statement_handler
00002398 T _dbg_step
00004d10 T _dbg_stop_session
00000ee0 T _dbg_store_prof_data
00001058 T _dbg_ub_write
U _display_ini_entries
U _executor_globals
0000a3d0 D _extension_version_info
U _fclose
U _feof
U _ferror
000075e0 T _find_bp_item_by_no
U _fopen
U _fprintf
U _fread
U _fseek
U _ftell
U _get_active_function_name
0000237c T _get_module
000024c8 T _get_redirected_address
U _gethostbyname
00003008 T _handler_add_bpl_reply
00003894 T _handler_add_eval_reply
00002f30 T _handler_add_mod_list_reply
000032c4 T _handler_add_profdata_reply
0000341c T _handler_add_proffreq_reply
00003620 T _handler_add_sid_reply
000029b8 T _handler_add_source_reply
000031ac T _handler_add_srcctxinfo_reply
000030cc T _handler_add_srclinesinfo_reply
00002d18 T _handler_add_stack_reply
000036ac T _handler_add_ver_reply
000030b4 T _handler_set_breakpoint
00003c18 T _handler_set_options
00004490 T _hex2digits_toi
U _inet_aton
0000a004 d _ini_entries
0000604c T _init_rslt_array
0000a794 b _is_dbg_ext_started
000085d8 T _listout_bp_item
U _memcmp
U _memcpy
U _memset
000009a8 T _mod_list_dtor
00000cd0 T _module_cleanup
0000a46c D _module_columns
000010c4 T _on_dbg_error_cb
0000180c T _on_dbg_statement_handler
00001008 T _on_dbg_ub_write
00000830 t _on_update_JIT_level
0000a79c b _orig_sapi_module_ub_write
0000a798 b _orig_zend_error_cb
0000a620 S _pDBG_globals
000046f4 T _parse_session_request
00000ad8 T _php_DBG_init_globals
00000edc T _php_DBG_uninit_globals
00000a60 T _php_dbg_clearruntimeglobals
U _php_info_print_table_end
U _php_info_print_table_row
U _php_info_print_table_start
U _php_printf
U _qsort
U _recv
U _sapi_add_header_ex
U _sapi_globals
U _sapi_module
U _select
U _send
00005f0c t _serialize_hash
00005268 t _serialize_zval
U _setjmp
U _snprintf
U _socket
U _sprintf
0000a480 D _srcline_columns
U _strcasecmp
U _strchr
U _strcmp
U _strerror
U _strlen
U _strncpy
000045ec T _urldecode
U _vsnprintf
U _zend_error_cb
U _zend_eval_string
0000a2b4 D _zend_extension_entry
U _zend_extensions
U _zend_get_compiled_filename
U _zend_get_compiled_lineno
U _zend_get_executed_filename
U _zend_get_executed_lineno
U _zend_get_extension
U _zend_get_parameters
U _zend_get_parameters_ex
U _zend_hash_add_or_update
U _zend_hash_destroy
U _zend_hash_find
U _zend_hash_get_current_data_ex
U _zend_hash_get_current_key_ex
U _zend_hash_index_update_or_next_insert
U _zend_hash_init
U _zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex
U _zend_hash_move_forward_ex
U _zend_hash_num_elements
U _zend_ini_boolean_displayer_cb
U _zend_is_compiling
U _zend_is_executing
U _zend_llist_add_element
U _zend_llist_del_element
U _zend_llist_destroy
U _zend_llist_init
U _zend_register_extension
U _zend_register_ini_entries
U _zend_rsrc_list_get_rsrc_type
U _zend_set_timeout
U _zend_unregister_ini_entries
U _zend_unset_timeout
The apache error logs give me this:
[Sun Sep 19 21:51:38 2004] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
dyld: /usr/sbin/httpd Undefined symbols:
That wrong_param_count line is the last line in error_log Anyone have any ideas?[/code]