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Can I show my includes folder (not in root) in my workspace?

Joined: 18 Jun 2009
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I have an includes folder that isn't in my root directory and not accessible online. I would like to be able to see that includes folder and all of its contents in my workspace for the project. Is this possible? Should I just create a new project and add it, even though it isn't a separate webpage but an includes folder? (Seems like that might confuse it a little) What's the best method to do this? Thanks!
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Is this possible? Should I just create a new project and add it

Yes, you have to create new project to show a directory that is not in the project's root, or just use Explorer window.

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Joined: 12 Aug 2009
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I have the same need... I have a structure like so:

- htdocs
- classes
- folder1
- folder2
- folder3

htdocs contain the files accessible on the web, classes I want to be able to edit, but I do *not* want folder1..3 in the project - they're for storing several types of files through the web site...

For now I will just create to projects in my workspace, though I don't think it's optimal...

Alternatively, I'd like a "Show in project" checkbox for the code insight directories - Makes sense? I think it does Smile

phpEd is starting to grow on me, though Smile I was a bit worried that I would regret my purchase of a pro version, but I don't think I will Wink
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Joined: 03 Dec 2005
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Maybe you should take a look at Junction Link Magic.
A junction point is a special type of reparse point. Reparse points are redirections in the Windows file system. There are 3 types of reparse points:

1. Symbolic links - can be thought of as a shortcut to a file or folder elsewhere in the file system
2. Junction points - can only point to a folder
3. Mount points - is a folder on a disk that points to an entire disk volume

Junction Link Magic will list all 3 types, not only junction links. With Junction Link Magic, you can also create and remove junction links.
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Hey, that's ace. Ive always wanted to be able to do symlinks on my windows machine. I'll be playing with that over the next few days Smile
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Joined: 12 Aug 2009
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Yep, that's pretty nice. Doesn't really help me though, since I'm mapping a network drive with webdrive...
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Joined: 14 Aug 2009
Posts: 35
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Yep, that's pretty nice. Doesn't really help me though, since I'm mapping a network drive with webdrive...

I've been struggling with a similar project layout - only difference is I DO want my folder1 folder2 folder3 to be part of the project.

Can't you just set it up so that they are all included as sub-directories within the main project root, but then in project properties -> files set them as hidden directories?

Seems like that ought to be possible. Ive got the same project structure working now with the web root as one of many subdirectories within the project root. And the hide directory thing seems to be doing a good job of pretending my .svn directories dont exist. It would work as well for your folder1 folder2 etc as long as it is truley ignoring it, not actually xfering it and just keeping it invisible...
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Can I show my includes folder (not in root) in my workspace?
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