I added this text to the survey, but decided to post it here aswell...
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I've been working with the Visual Basic 6 IDE for some time now, and with the
exception of lacking mousewheel support, is one of the best editors/IDE I have
worked with. Naturally this influences my view on PhpED
Overall PhpED is a nice editor, modern interface, good debugger and stable
(crashed only 1 time ). But it misses a couple of things to make it a
complete solution for PHP based websites; things like good HTML and CSS
editing (which I now do with Topstyle and Hotdog), syntax checking, a bit
more extensive project/version control (I mean without CVS).
Hmm, yes, that would be nice, an interface like Topstyle added as tabs to PhpED.
Topstyle does a very good job with HTML tag/CSS properties, but misses some
of the editing features other packages have.
Anyway, here is a list of things that ran across while working with PhpEd 3.3
build 3332:
- Publishing/syncing to a fileshare is not possible ?
- Automatic header (as comment) inclusion in all files added to project,
e.g. (c) info, website, project properties
- Built in simple version control like automatic version counters like
version in VB6 project.
- Save file/project with history option. History popup when saving 'final'
- Replace window is always positioned in the middle of the editing window, often
obstructing view of the text to replace (replace all)
- Handle replace like VB6 IDE, which is a friendlier way to handle replace
- No Find and Replace items in Edit menu
- Improve HTML support. PHP and HTML are often (if not always) used together.
Preferably like how HotDog 6/7 or Topstyle 3 handle HTML (properties tab of the
selected tag, wizards, quick buttons, automatic tag closing etc)
- Macro's could be nice, to automate certain tasks
- Autoformat of code/tags, e.g. automatic spacing, case (e.g. capitalize first
letter) (like VB6 IDE)
- Syntax checking while you type
- Add a function to escape a string for php. E.g. echoing HTML tags...
(<a href="www.a.com"> etc)
- There's no function to quickly comment/uncomment a piece of code
- Code Insight, when typing a variable, also displays what you have typed so far
as an option, which I think is a bit overkill and sometimes even a bit confusing.
- When Code Insight window popsup, end no longer goes to the end of the line
you're editing, but to the end of the Code Insight list
- Code Insight also works when typing in comments...
- Show matched brackets also works in comments
- Tooltip with code and Code Insight together make it a bit crowded
- Add an option for Code Insight only to appear when using CTRL+Space
- Automatically hide the debug windows when editing, open them when debugging
- When a new variable is declared while in a debug session the view doesn't
scroll down to keep it visible. Since it's easy have more variables than display
space in the list, everytime a new one is declared it's added outside the visible
range. Maybe add a option to follow new and/or changes vars ?
- So now and then when debugging, jumping to a new page no longer initiates the line
by line debug mode (only occurred 2 or 3 times).
- Parameters in the Run menu aren't remembered between PhpED sessions. Maybe adding this to the
project properties ?
- Run parameters per file if possible.
- Plugin support ? Maybe something like VBA ?
- What use has the Full Screen button ? Just use the default Windows methods of resizing
- When resizing columns in the Locals debug window, display update doesn't go to well, and leaves
trash (graphical corruption) behind.
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This part is new, forgot to include in the survey:
- Way to expensive for a home user
- Different kind of licenses, e.g. home, professional use, with appropriate price
- Rather expensive upgrades, again, especially for a home user like me
Nice list huh ?