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Bug:PHPEd 4.6:"Updating Code Explorer tree" loops

Joined: 31 Jul 2005
Posts: 16
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- The messages "Updating Code Explorer tree" and "Source file ... parsing" (the last one is approximate; it flashes so fast I can't read it) flash alternately and very fast.
- CPU usage for phped.exe is constantly high.
- It is not possible to navigate the Code Explorer tree, as all selection gets immediately cancelled.

1) Exit PHPEd
2) Delete the .ppx, .dsk and .ppd files.
3) Restart PHPEd

The project files were from PHPEd 3.3; this is probably only a problem for those who upgrade from version 3.3 to 4.5.1.

How to recreate:
.ppx, .dsk and .ppd files that don't work (cause the bug) and work (after the workaround) may be found here:

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Thanks for reporting the problem.
But why 4.5.1? For almost a month now we're delivering version 4.6 Smile

thanks for the files, but they won't help without sources. Could you please create a short project for us to replicate the loop?
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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
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The primary reason I reported the problem was to offer a workaround if anyone else ran into the same issue: I won't be able to construct a failing project; the error has only occured in this one project, and I have no idea how it occured, only which files are involved in the workaround.

I can of course send you the entire failed project. Do you have some standard statement regarding non-disclosure in the case of bug reports? (The code belongs to a customer.)

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Joined: 14 Dec 2004
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I experienced a similar problem:
After upgrading from 3.3.3 to 4.6 (build 4618) by installing 4.6 right over 3.3.3 the start of PhpED always failed.

"Updating Code Explorer tree" was shown for some 15 seconds in the status line, then I got one or more error messages stating invalid memory access and PhpED crashed.

Removing all workspace files and project files from the program folder did NOT help. I uninstalled PhpED, rebooted, erased the remaining program path manually and then reinstalled. This solved the problem.

Edit: In my case the problem is definitely not related to any workspace / project files. I had saved the content of version 3.3.3's Projects folder before uninstalling. After reinstalling 4.6 I could copy the old files to the new Projects folder and use them without any problems.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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With great help provided by our customer, we managed to isolate and fix this problem in build 4621.
Fix will be available in next two weeks.

Meanwhile, if you get this loop, right click on the code Explorer and select Refresh.
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Bug:PHPEd 4.6:"Updating Code Explorer tree" loops
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