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BUG: JavaScript < (less than) symbol interpreted html.

Joined: 28 Sep 2004
Posts: 12
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In JavaScript files .js the html validation kicks in and when it finds a less than symbol and it starts underlining all my JavaScript in red and saying there are errors in my html! It's JavaScript and this is very annoying.

I am quite surprised that this was not detected when you were debugging the product
and it is a fairly major bug.

Please let me know when this will be fixed as I have paid for a full version, which seems to be a bit buggy.


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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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yep, it's known problem. Actually, HTML validator has noting to do with JS files.
It will be fixed in the forthcoming update pack #1.
You may want to contact NuSphere support by email if you need hotfix asap.
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BUG: JavaScript < (less than) symbol interpreted html.
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