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Bug in Context Help?

Joined: 03 Apr 2004
Posts: 78
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I think I have found a bug when using context help.

It appears that there is a bug in the selection context help part of PhpED as double-clicking a function to select the function word (obviously, when setting of "Double-click Line" is disabled in Editor options) and pressing CTRL-F1, does not properly open the PHP helpfile opened to the selected function.



Select the word urlencode to highlight it (regardless of with keyboard or mouse), and press CTRL-F1 or use the Help | Context Help menu item. What happens? It does not open help at all.

However, if we make the selection from starting on the right side and ending on the left side (with mouse OR from keyboard) so selected reads urlencode it will open context help. Odd! But we must select it starting from the ( and working backwords like so:

| = carat, { } = selected text boundaries


1. urlencode|(
2. select rest of word
3. |{urlencode}(

I'm guessing that this is a bug in the selection text thing as selecting text from end to beginning seems to work fine.

Some settings that may effect this bug, and my current settings:


(Editor options)
Autoindent Mode
[x] Show Matched Brackets
[ ] Double-click Line
[ ] Auto-close brackets
[ ] Auto-close quotes
[ ] Find text at cursor
[ ] Found text as selection
[ ] Overwrite blocks
Spaces in Tab: 4
Block Indent: 4
Auto-switch PHP/HTML

(Code Insight)
[ ] Code-completion
[ ] Tooltips

PhpED Version: 3.3.1 (3356)

What's interesting is that this used to work fine before I applied SP1 to 3.3.

Any ideas?
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to get a context help on a php function you don't need to have it selected. Just place cursor on the word (on whatsoever letter of it), and press F1.
For example urlencod|e
where | denotes cursor location.

if cursor is placed _after_ the word, it won't get the help.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2004
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I didn't know that Smile I just assumed you had to highlight the word (from experience using other IDEs -- which probably wasn't required either)

Mr. Green
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Enjoy, it's turned to be so easy Smile
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Bug in Context Help?
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