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Better GUI for encoding individual files

Joined: 30 Nov 2006
Posts: 186
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It would be SO cool if you could mark the individual files to be encoded by nucoder, so when you choose Encode project it would only encode files marked to be encoded.

It would be SO COOL, instead of what I do now, encode the project then extract the individual files from the project and manual merge them with unencoded files.

And if could also build in a license file system. Very Happy
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Hmm, interestingly.
Are there more files to be encoded or files to remain non-encoded?
How do you make your decision if a particular file should be encoded?

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We are talking about leaving some files unencrypted, and encrypt others. I really need that because I can't encode all files (license issues)

The way I would suggest it was that the encode function would popup a wizard with the project tree where you could select the files you wanted to have encrypted.

It should this information in the workbook, so it can remember the settings.

You could also put a graphics icon on each file in the explorer view, to show if the file is to be encrypted or not. (a small yellow circle with a white c in it)
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Do you store such files in a separated subdirectory?
Do their filename "overlap" with the other file names? For example, you might have some index.php to be encoded and some others to be not...
I'm asking to get a clearer picture to plan futher enhancements Smile

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 30 Nov 2006
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No they can be mixed together.

Like imagine this directory structure.

-- Administration
----- Login.php
----- pay.php

-- User
----- Account.php
----- imageHandler.php

in the above setup I want to encode Pay.php under /project/administration/ and I want to encode the Account.php under project/User/ but not the rest of the files that might be in the same path should be left untouched, because I am not allowed to encrypt them acording the their license.

In such a setup I have to encode the entire project, and then manually mix and match the coded and unencoded files to build a distribution package.

The best way I can give you an example is a screenshot of the backup program that I use (GenieSoft)

They have a way of selecting files for backup, something like that would be very usable.
Wait a second and I will dig an image up of that.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2006
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Ok here it is.

To the left I can select folders, if I do that all sub files will be selected / deselected.

To the right I can select the individual files in a folder.

This is from my backup program, but something like that could be used in a GUI wizard to select the individual parts of the project that should be encoded, when I encode the project.

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Better GUI for encoding individual files
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