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Did you know OutputDebugString() existed?
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Better docs for DebugBreak / DBGSESSID / OutputDebugString

Joined: 23 Oct 2012
Posts: 1
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Sprinkled liberally throughout this forum are cries for information on DebugBreak / DBGSESSID / OutputDebugString, usually helpfully answered by dmitri or plugnplay.

I suggest making one authoritative place for all of this information. Almost everything is already available between these two pages:
The biggest omission is OutputDebugString() is not documented anywhere. It'd be nice if these pages could be combined into a one-stop-shop for debugging info.

If anyone finds it useful, here's some "programmer's perspective" documentation; hopefully I got everything right:

PhpED's debugger module provides two debugging functions, OutputDebugString($s) and DebugBreak($DBGSESSID)
 * Output a debug string to PhpED's log window
 * @param $s The string to output.
function OutputDebugString($s);

 * Invoke a breakpoint to the current or given debugging session
 * Examples:
 *  // Invoke a breakpoint at the current line
 *  DebugBreak();
 *  // Specify everything
 *  DebugBreak('1@clienthost:7869;s=0,d=1,p=0,c=1');
 * @param $DBGSESSID A string of the form nnn[@host][:port][;{flags}]
 *    nnn:   dbg session ID (any positive number or zero). If the session
 *           exists, its stored values will override the defaults given below.
 *           default: -1
 *           NOTE: negative values prohibit debug session and drop debug cookie
 *    host:  The ip address or hostname of the debugger listener. Set to the
 *           keyword "clienthost" to use the value of $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].
 *           default: clienthost
 *    port:  The port of the debugger listener.
 *           default: 7869
 *    flags: set of the following flags delimited with commas:
 *           s=n     - skip n HTTP requests before the actual session should
 *                     run, default 0
 *           d={0|1} - start debugger, default 1
 *           p={0|1} - start profiler, default 0
 *           c={0|1} - enable/disable debugger session, default 1
function DebugBreak($DBGSESSID='-1');

To turn remote debugging on in web page/session, set DBGSESSID as a GET variable with d=1, c=1:

To turn debugging off in web page/session, set DBGSESSID as a GET variable with d=0,c=0:

Best practices for setting a breakpoint in remote code (useful when local breakpoints aren't working/possible):
if (function_exists('DebugBreak') &&
    $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' /* debug listener IP */)

Send things to PhpEd's log tab:
if (function_exists('OutputDebugString')) { OutputDebugString('hello'); }
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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thx, we'll update info about these functions in the next build.

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Better docs for DebugBreak / DBGSESSID / OutputDebugString
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