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Autocorrection not working the way it used to

Joined: 08 Sep 2006
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It's not really a new feature request but a request to make an existing feature work like it used to in v4.0. Unfortunately since 4.5 the autocorrection feature stopped supporting the "|" character for marking the place the cursor should appear. It still works in code templates but is ignored in autocorrection which is a major productivity issue once someone got used to typing $get and getting $_GET['_CURSOR_'] instead of $_GET['']_CURSOR_.

This still stops me from buying phpED 4.6 /which BTW is great in all other aspects/ for my company. Hope you'll fix this in the next version.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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Auto-correction and Code Templates should be distinct and separate features. "Consistency is one of the most powerful usability principles." unknown Most people who are accustom to using autocorrection--instinctively already know how this autocorrection works. It was broke in previous version, now it is fixed IMHO.

I used to use it exactly the way you describe. I even made a $get autocorrection. But damn if I didn't find that I also liked using the variable $get and autocorrection would change it to a $_GET[''] Evil or Very Mad so I'd rename the trigger $getMe. Then I wouldn't remember what I named it and would have to go look it up in the autocorrection list -- all while code correction worked liked a charm and brought up a reminder list if you forget what you named the trigger. So I changed my nasty habit and happy I did.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2006
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Well everyone has their own methods and the fact that you're not going to use it that way doesn't mean that it can't work for others to use it. PhpED is a programming tool not word processing app and if autocorrection can't help you at doing what you do then it shouldn't even be there. Don't tell me you only use it to correct common typos? (:

Code templates are OK for multiline/larger fragments of code like loops & stuff. Autocorrection is best for variables because you don't have to stop typing to press CTRL+J and insert the template. My autocorrection list has 4 pages and I can insert a whole line of code I use hundreds of times every day with just 2 or 3 shortcuts. The best thing is that I don't have a problem remembering them because, just like you said, "Consistency is one of the most powerful usability principles" and it's the way you design your autocorrection that works for you.

So someone PLEASE fix this in the next release (:
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got used to typing $get and getting $_GET['_CURSOR_'] instead of $_GET['']_CURSOR_.

it's fixed in 4623 and this build or the next one will be released as 4.6.1 (update pack#1).
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btw let me know if you're interested in testing preliminary version with those corrections.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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I knew if I stirred the pot it would get fixed Wink
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If you didn't post, how would we know that autocorrection is [ab]used this way?! Smile
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Autocorrection not working the way it used to
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