The "Auto-collapse on open" option in the "Code Folding" category of the settings dialog doesn't work as intended. While I can't even begin to go into the conflicts between the options, let me just sum things up by saying that certain combinations of options DO NOT WORK properly. (i.e. selecting "CSS comments" and "PHP Block" together will fold one or the other on document open; not both (as was intended)).
I thought it was simply PhpED's code folding cache getting in the way, but when I decided to start deleting the code folding cache before opening PhpED (yeah ... wrote a batch file to do that

), the problem was still there.
I thought, too, that this option only worked as intended in files dedicated to the specific languages (i.e. with all options checked, opening an HTML file will collapse all collapsible elements in HTML). I was, however, stricken again with incorrect belief.
The conclusion is that the auto-collapse feature doesn't work as intended. This needs to be fixed as it is very convenient to have certain (if not all) collapsible elements collapsed upon document open.
While I'm at it, I'd like to also spout the suggestion of including a secondary option that specifies whether PhpED remembers code folding or not. For me, I'd rather all (specified) collapsible elements be auto-collapsed on open. Others would prefer the application to remember their folded code areas.
Finally, I'd also like to make note that PhpED does not decipher the difference properly between standard CSS/JS comments and their Doc comments respectively. To PhpED, one CSS comment is as good as another CSSDoc comment; JavaScript, as well.