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Aren't project files more important than library files?

Joined: 11 Mar 2011
Posts: 11
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I believe that PHPEd should first look in the project files (when searching for auto completion), and only then it should look into the libraries which I added to the project (as additional directories). Now the situation is that I have two classes with the same name, one of which is in the project files, and the second - in library files (which I don't care of). The PHPEd thinks the library class to be of more importance.

Eclipse does the best in this case - it allows to select, which file I'd like to open, if there are several possibilities. It would be cool already, if PHPEd allowed to select at least the priority of project files and additional libraries in project settings.
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May I ask - why you added this library into the project if you don't care of its content?

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Joined: 11 Mar 2011
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dmitri wrote:
May I ask - why you added this library into the project if you don't care of its content?

I do care, but don't you think that user files are more important than those in libraries?

I, for example, have several applications with the same classes for each of them. It would be cool, if I could select, which file I mean to use for autocompletion or whatever. Anyway, it is obvious, that in these situations it is also more likely that I mean that file, which is more close to the position of the current file.

Assume I have the following files:
1) /apps/frontend/modules/products/actions.class.php
2) /apps/frontend/lib/productHelper.class.php

3) /apps/admin/modules/products/actions.class.php
4) /apps/admin/lib/productHelper.class..php

Isn't it obvious, that first two files are more tied together? The same with 3 and 4. Because they have common subdirectories.

Guess what PHPEd does in this case.
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Aren't project files more important than library files?
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