Hello World,
We currently have a NuSoap Web Services running. My task is to create an auditing/archival system that will archive (in a database) both requests (from client) and responses (from server) and store them in a database.
I can figure out how to handle the request, but what is giving me a hard time, is trying to "capture" the server reponse. So, instead of asking for help, I go digging around in the NuSoap.php class. What I found isn't really what I was hoping for, so, I am hoping that by posing my question on these forums, I might get an answer on how am to tackle my task.
In the service function of the nusoap soap_server class, the following lines appear:
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n");
print $this->wsdl->serialize();
The way that the author has created these services, is that once the call to the service function is made in the actual php script (e.g. webservice.php), any other php after the call to the service function is just ignored.
So, with that in mind, I have to try and figure out how to obtain the entire soap envelope that the server is going to send back to the client, when I'm in my called procedure. The problem is, I can't figure out how to do this.
So, after all this, my question is, how can I obtain the full server response and send that to a file or database or something for some other processing, on the server side?
I realize that on the client side, I'm offered the soapclient->response and soapclient->request variables that allow me access to this information, however, I'm wanting these available on the server itself.
So, that's why I'm posting here. I hope that I have explained myself well enough that everyone knows the concept of what I'm trying to do, without any more information. I am also hoping that someone will be able to tell me how to do it, or a better way to do it, or even to shove off.
Regardless the content of the response to this post, any and all responses are appreciate in advance, and I look forward to hearing something back.
Have a wonderful day, and thank you for your time!