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Anybody help me with a problem of global variables in PHPed?

Joined: 16 Aug 2004
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I have a problem with global variables in PHPed debugger.

For instance, let's take the example of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].
If I look at the value of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] in debugger through phpinfo(), the value is like this - /file:/var/www/getreport/data-report-page.php.
However without debugger, the value of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is /getreport/data-report-page.php.

Because of this under PHPEd environment, the program can't load a report.
Is anyone who can help me with this?
Crying or Very sad
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Install Apache and debug your scripts under it Smile
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Joined: 16 Aug 2004
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I've already have an Apache Webserver installed.
Here is my current environment:

OS: Linux

Webserver: Apache
It seems to me that PHPEd does not pick up(or support) global variables correctly.
For instance, in a debugger environment, $_REQUEST['wtloadreport_x'] is not defined.
Without PHPEd, it's OK. Because of this, in the debugger environment, report can't be loaded.

Can you help me with this? Crying or Very sad
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check RUN MODE. If you use SRV local web server some of the environment variables might be undefined. It is not a problem with the debugger but with SRV server. That's why I suggested you to have HTTP/3rd party web server run mode set.
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Anybody help me with a problem of global variables in PHPed?
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