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always debugging

Joined: 01 Jul 2011
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I have 2 strange issues

1) when you click on debug next page, after the debug, it remains checked, so you have to manually uncheck "debug next page" + "debug session". Is it the normal behavior?? looks strange as it is not written "debug next pageS" (with a 'S')

2) sometimes, not always, when I uncheck the settings as said above it actually continue the debug mode!! I have to restart the PC or remove the cookies...
Each time I access the same page it will debug it!

If I stop the DBG listener I get this:
DBG 3.9.10

Failed to start DBG session

Reason: failed to connect to the client at, please make sure that IDE is running
Not sure what it means? Visit for troubleshooting.

Debugger request: "72738041;d=1,c=1"
Request found in: "$_COOKIE['DBGSESSID']"
Target PHP version: "5.2.x"
Server API: "Apache 2.0 Handler"
Extensions API: "220060519"
Modules API: "20060613"
PHP API: "20041225"

any idea?

I have nusphere 5.95, IE9, windows XP and 7 (same behavior with both OS).

thanks a lot
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with 1st:
If you have debug sesion ON, all subsequent requests to the same server will be debugged, regardless whether Debug Next Page is on or off.

with 2nd:
I'm not sure what "sometimes" means. Just check what invoked the debugger by inspecting _COOKIE, _POST and _GET variables. If you have DBGSESSID request, that's what triggered the debugger. Then check where it came from. Normally if you turn Debug session off, it drops cookie. But it can't drop for example _POST Smile

with 3rd:
that's correct. If you stop dbglistener, the debugger module on the server will fail to connect to it. I hope it's absolutely clear to you.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 01 Jul 2011
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dmitri wrote:
with 1st:
If you have debug sesion ON, all subsequent requests to the same server will be debugged, regardless whether Debug Next Page is on or off.

with 2nd:
I'm not sure what "sometimes" means. Just check what invoked the debugger by inspecting _COOKIE, _POST and _GET variables. If you have DBGSESSID request, that's what triggered the debugger. Then check where it came from. Normally if you turn Debug session off, it drops cookie. But it can't drop for example _POST Smile

with 3rd:
that's correct. If you stop dbglistener, the debugger module on the server will fail to connect to it. I hope it's absolutely clear to you.

Hi dmitri,
thanks for your answer
1) I understand the behavior of "debug session". The issue is why is it checked while I checked only "debug next page"?
2) sorry english is not my native language. I thought "sometimes" means that it may happen, or it may not happen. It's like the lottery:-) It does not always happen, that's the strange thing. can it comes from a POST while it's my own code, and I do not trigger the debugger from my code. Only from IE.
3) I understand the debugger will not work if it is OFF. I added this information so you can see the error message which show information about cookies and so on, so mayber it makes sense to you and help finding the issue.
Actually I didn't had this problem since long. I am wondering if this was not an issue with IE, and maybe a hot fix was automatically depoyed with a Microsoft update, and the issue is now fix.
I will update this thread if it comes again.

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1) They are expected to work independently. Turning on/off Debug Next does not turn off Sessions (and vice versa)
2) No lottries here. Debugger triggers only if it is requested, no chances otherwise. Please make sure WHAT triggers the debugger in your case. If it is something unexpected -- you have to contact support and provide the details.

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 20 Feb 2012
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I've got the same problem, but only with remote debugging via SSH.

I think, as dmitri is pointing out, there's an active debug session fired by the browser cookie.

After killing the debug listener and disabling the debug session in phpEd, the session persists via the debug module but obviously fails to communicate with the client side debug listener.

It's quite a pain having to clear the cookie or use another browser after finishing debugging.

Is there a query string param that we can pass to toggle the value of the DBGSESSION cookie so that it stops trying to run the debugger?
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You can use DBGSESSID=-1 to stop debugging. It won't change the behaviour of the PhpED debug settings, but it stops the cookie based debugging.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2012
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Generally working fine for me with breakpoints, but, irritatingly, I'm finding that while trying to step into code new debug sessions keep getting spawned.

I can stop the old sessions and continue the new one via the debug sessions tab, but it's a bit annoying and there's a lack of continuity with the stack trace.

This is when using the remote debugger via ssh:

I could test locally to confirm if the same happens.

Anyone else have this problem? Simple fix?
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always debugging
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