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A few words about FTP

Joined: 08 Sep 2006
Posts: 72
Location: Poland
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1. QUEUE: Operations on different ftp servers should be independent. Now when I download a big directory from one server I can't do anything on others because operations are queued after current download = total waste of time.

2. UPLOAD: When I quickly upload several files from my computer /not a directory but single files/ Reading directory is queued after each file and waiting for all of the reading to finish is sometimes annoying. After similiar actions like uploading files there should be only one refresh at the end just like after deleting selected files from server.

3. CREATING FILES: There should be a possibility to create a new file on the server from the context menu in current directory /like New folder/. When I select it there should be a prompt for name /possibly integrated with template selection window (:/. New file should be opened in the editor and automatically uploaded to this directory when saved. Now I have to browse my way to the ftp directory I want the new file stored in.

Hope someone out there feels the same way... (:
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. QUEUE: Operations on different ftp servers..

It's already planned for the future.

2. UPLOAD: When I quickly upload several files..

You shouldn't worry about it. It gets file lists for the List of files (bottom part of Explorer) and Directory Tree (upper part of Explorer), they working ~ independently, but List gets its list of files from the cache if it is enabled in the account settings. So it does not require an extra time.

3. CREATING FILES: There should be a ...

Thanks, it's added to the plans too.

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Joined: 08 Sep 2006
Posts: 72
Location: Poland
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You shouldn't worry about it. It gets file lists for the List of files (bottom part of Explorer) and Directory Tree (upper part of Explorer), they working ~ independently, but List gets its list of files from the cache if it is enabled in the account settings. So it does not require an extra time.

And isn't the cache usually refreshed after upload? When I open a directory which is cached Reading directory doesn't appear (:
I tried uploading some files to a directory with over a hundred files and believe me - there's no cache involved in this.

I'm not really worried because I usually don't upload lots of files one after another and I usually switch to browser window after I press F12 /IMO best shortcut for file upload (:/ so I don't care what happens in the background. I'm just making a point that after uploading 10 files there are 9 unnecessary Reading directory items when, just like after deleting multiple files, there should be only one.
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A few words about FTP
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