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A few small feature ideas

Joined: 11 May 2006
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Hi there,

I am already using PHPEd since several months and here are a few small ideas I got to make PHPEd even better:

1.) Tabs -> Window Manager
How about a tab that displays all currently open tabs? This becomes handy if you always have multiple files open and as the PHPEd tabs do no support multi-line tabs, it would be more intuitive because otherwise you have a scroll through all tabs using the arrows which takes too long if you jump between multiple files.

2.) Character Set per SERVER or PROJECT
It would be great if it would be possible to set the preffered characterset not only global in the preference dialog, but also individually for each server or project as the encoding depends strongly on the specific project: While older projects use ISO Encoding all newer ones use UTF8. Manually switching back and forth is much too complicated.

3.) Colored Tabs by Server/Project
How about automatic colorizing the tabs with the open files depending on their location? So you could directly see which tab belongs to which project which becomes useful if you work at several projects at the same time or cross copy code from different projects

4.) Code Snippets
Another very nice tab would be a Code Snippet Tab where you could simply drag'n'drop to and from various code snippets for a later re-use. Perhaps with a simple folder structure to manage those snippets effectivly

5.) Go To Function
Similar to the "Go To Line" function a "Go To Function" function would be great, simply listing all functions within the source and perhaps combined function search, so that entering "get" filters the options down to all functions that begin with a "get". Having such a powerful and fast jump function would be really great. Optional it could also search across all open files.

What do you think?
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oh, well,
multiline tabs? what to do if you open say 100 files and only 8 tabs can be displayed in a line? 12-13 lines would take too much from the window space, woudn't it?

2.) Character Set per SERVER or PROJECT


3.) Colored Tabs by Server/Project

not sure, but probably would be nice.

4.) Code Snippets


5.) Go To Function

hmm, did you see Code Explorer window? It's where all classes, constants, methods, variables and functions. You can click on them you can search for them. What else is required? Smile
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Smart Goto Source

Joined: 09 Mar 2004
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5.) Go To Function
hmm, did you see Code Explorer window? It's where all classes, constants, methods, variables and functions. You can click on them you can search for them. What else is required? Smile

I think it would be valuable to have something similiar to Zend Studio with the Smart Goto Source functionality. With this feature you can CTRL-Click a function and it will jump you to the function's declaration source. I find this the easiest way to navigate through the code and personally the most useful feature in all of Studio. If this feature were in PhpED I would no longer have to switch back and forth between applications. Smile
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This feature is already there:

it works for functions, classes, methods, constants and variables.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2004
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How did I overlook this! Good to see that it is in there. So I am guessing you can't assign this to a shortcut? I went into the IDE shortcuts and assigned it a shortcut, but it only seems to work with a right mouse click. I am using 4.6 build 4613.

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Joined: 11 May 2006
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No, I don't necessarily want multi-tabs - I don't like them either Smile BUT a convinient way to find open tabs faster if they don't fit all on the screen. For this a dock would be nice which simply shows all open tabs in a list (only the filename - showing the directory should be optional as it is confusion). Basically it is the Window Menu List, but perhaps styled in a more "readable" way, e.g. with displaying path names optional or the filename in bold and/or sorted alphabetically.

Concerning the "Go To Function": I have already discovered the Code Explorer, but first of all the search input doesn't show any reaction if I have limited the view of the explorer to only functions and methods. And secondly I like every function I can use by using my loved keyboard instead of switching back and forth between the mouse and the keyboard which is really a hassle.

Something as discussed right here would be nice: incremental-function-search-t1937.html
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Joined: 11 May 2006
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A few more ideas that just came into my mind:

1.) Custom Commands for Project Context Menu
It woud be useful if I could add certain programs to the context menu of each project. For example I could add a putty, winscp or navicat call with the project dependent parameters (host, login etc.) to have them ready within a second.

2.) Shell Menu access from Tab context menu
It would be great if I could access the same shell menu as in the explorer/workspace window from the context menu of each tab to facilitate access e.g. to my lovely svn client tortoise
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1.) Custom Commands for Project Context Menu
It woud be useful if I could add certain programs to the context menu of each project. For example I could add a putty, winscp or navicat call with the project dependent parameters (host, login etc.) to have them ready within a second

It's there for years.

2.) Shell Menu access from Tab context menu
It would be great if I could access the same shell menu as in the explorer/workspace window from the context menu of each tab to facilitate access e.g. to my lovely svn client tortoise

it's hardly possible.
You might already notice that whenever shell menu used, such menus are drawn in a native windows style while Tab popup differs from them. I'll check what can be done, but I'm almost sure it's impossible to marry them.
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Joined: 11 May 2006
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1.) Oh yeah, here it is! I'm sorry - I haven't examined the custom menu in too much detail. You're right - I can do this with the "Integration" Menu using the @ProjPath()@ variable. I wasn't aware of this really neat feature! So thx for the tip!

2.) Yes, I remember this from my old Delphi days - the Windows API is always a "special" and work intensive case Smile In which language is PHPEd written in? Perhaps these ressources might help you:
These are Delphi ressources, but they also give a little insight into the specific Windows API.
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thanks for the links but thay are not really helpful in case of Tab's popup, because it is not a popup menu in terms of Windows. It's just a window and therefore it's really hard to put a popup menu as submenu there.
In case of "real Windows popup menu", it is not a problem. You know, Workspace popup shows shell menu as submenu without any glitches.
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A few small feature ideas
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