Hi! I'm a very happy customer of PhpED with a few requests:
- When FTPs or SFTPs timeout/disconnect for some reason, don't collapse the dir structure: just alert me, maybe grey-out the tree, but don't close. NoNoNo don't.
- Allow Explorer to work in single pane mode, with files directly under directories
- Make color schemes importable. Extend coloring to side windows and such (a zen color scheme is much easier on the eyes in my dark environment, having bright white boxes all around the code pretty much destroys my inner peace

- Explorer: add a "Bookmarks" entry at the same level as "My Computer", FTPs and SFTPs... the Star icon on top is uncomfortable to me.
Possibly, make the "bookmarks" into a tree structure
- Add an option to have the current line (the one where the cursor is) always at the center of the screen
- Don't listen to Eclipse-minded whining users asking for degenerative bloating features! ;P
Thanks in advance!