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1 --> bug ; 2 --> features

Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 2
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One bug ??? :
when i type in the chinese (Big5 or utf-8 ) character(s) it will add strange charater(s) to the end of the word i typed, if i type 2 chinese characters is will follow by two strange characters, if i type 3 chinese characters it will add 3 strange characters and so on...

Two features :
1. more output windows --> or like "Zend Studio 5.5" with simple browser, which allow us to surf the web, coz i search the php functions from so often, i alway keep a browser connected to, and some other php forums aswell

2. code folding ---> this feature make programmers life much more eazier ~ it enable us to hide some unconcerned codes while debugging or coding, Zend Studio only allow to fold "function","class" .... but not for,while loop and if statement (make all the { } foldable) ~ Razz

Razz ~~~~~~ Billy ~~~~~~~
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1 --> bug ; 2 --> features
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